Chapter 36: Cornered

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Chapter 36: Cornered

"You've been not going close to me recently and I couldn't bear it anymore." Trevor said as he held Rees by her arm when she turned around immediately after she has given him some papers.

She was caught off guard.

"But Rees, we only have a week left. I'm not saying this to pressure you even more. I'm just informing you." he added.

She gulped then nodded after a while. "I know, sir."

"You're nervous." his hold moved down to her hand.

Her eyes widened as she glanced at their hands.

"Can you go to lunch with me again?"

"Oh?" her voice almost in a whisper.

He's eyeing her intently. "What did I do to make you that afraid of me?"

She shook her head, wide-eyed. "O-okay sir, I'm going to have lunch with you."

He smiled and squeezed her hand before letting it go. "I'll see you then."

"Mmm." then she slued again marching off.


"I'm not that busy anymore so there shall be plenty of times going out with you." Trevor started. They were in Bel Cibo once again.

She gave him a questioning look. "Plenty of times?"

"Hmm." he nodded. "Didn't I already confess to you? I want to know you a lot more."

She fell silent as she remembered that night in the car.

He noticed she has not touched her food yet. "Isn't that your favorite too? Why aren't you eating?"

"Uhm, I don't understand how you have came to like me."

He paused. "You're doubting my feelings?"

She then grabbed the spoon and fork. "I just don't understand."

"I don't understand either, Rees."

She simpered as she began to roll the pasta on her fork.


"How come you're often preoccupied? I've been catching you in that state and just ignored it but this time I couldn't. It seems getting worse." Dennis told Eily.

But she's smiling like an idiot and as if she didn't see him. She's been staring at the tiny bottle she was holding.

He shook his head. "What's happening to this one?"

"She's on cloud nine, sir." Andrew interrupted his thinking. He just entered their office.

"What's to be happy about?"

"Somebody special, I would say she's in love with."

Eily at last was awakened from her deep trance. She caught his last sentence. "Hey! What are you talking about?!"

Dennis ignored her playfully. "Really?" then he took a look at her again, "Good for her but it is not good that we have to deal it with her. We have to wake her up from time to time." again shaking his head but almost laughing.

Andrew shrugged suppressing himself not to laugh.

Her face turned red. "I'm not in love with Jerome, okay?!" she shouted.

Andrew and Dennis looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Gotcha!" Andrew exclaimed.

"He's not even mentioning any names yet you blurted it out loudly."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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