Chapter 17: Benumbed Heart

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Chapter 17: Benumbed Heart

"But he may have other things to do. Let's not push this on him. I can go by myself." Rees countered.

"I don’t have anything to do. You know I'm not busy and I want to do that. And I thought we're friends? Why would I left you when we can go together? I made clear to you my reason why I'm here."

"I'm not your responsibility Andrew." she looked down.

"Stop stickling over that matter you love team." Casey sneered,  pretending he was irritated already.

"Love team?" Rees blurted, that made her embarrassed.

Roxane chuckled. "You looked cute together, swear!"

In order for them to refrain from teasing them, she finally surrendered."Fine, fine! I’m going with him."

"Great! That's my girl." Casey was relieved.

"Oh, before I forget, dear, tell them now." Roxane gazed at her fiance.

"What I’m gonna tell them my lady?"

"Goodness! About the wedding, you know?" she uttered in a low voice.

"Ah! Oh yah! Right! Rees, your sis Roxane wants you to be her maid of honor in our wedding. And I decided just a while ago that Andrew will be my best man since you are close with him." he proclaimed.

She was amused. "And you got close with him that easily? In this short period of time eh?" she said in her mind.

"Is that fine with you Andrew?" Casey shifted his gaze to him.

"It's an honor, of course bro! Thanks for choosing me." he said.

"I'm complacent with you dude. Thanks for accepting."

"And Rees please invite your friends too okay?" Roxane added.



It was early in the evening when they were exchanging their byes to her family. They will go early for they have work on the next day. Rees' original plan was actually leaving at dawn but she's changed it thinking for a condireration for Andrew. She doesn't want him to look tired at work.

"Till your next vacation again my child!" her mother said. "I hope next time you’ll stay longer."

"Just wait for that ma. It will happen. If I’m already eligible to take my vacation leave, I surely will." she promised them.

"So young man, I’ll be leaving my daughter to you. Keep her safe okay?" Gabby told Andrew as he tapped his shoulder.

"No worries sir, even if you don’t say that, I will." he politely replied.

The elders exchanged glances and beamed at him.

"Take care Rees and Andrew!" Roxane waved at them as they were getting in the pickup truck. They will be sent by Casey in the bus station. "Be back on our wedding, alright?"

"Of course sis! I won’t miss that!" she's waving back.

"Ya babe, always smile and don’t be sad hmm? I will be sad if you are." Casey then said.

"Oh bro... Why you're being a bit emotional?"

But he ignored her remark and turned to Andrew who’s sitting on the passenger’s seat. "Like our dad said, I'm entrusting my dear sister to you too." he whispered.

"Aye, aye sir." he whispered back and smiled.


When they finally arrived at the station, a change of plan has occurred again.

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