Chapter 15: Saudade

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Chapter 15: Saudade

Rees rose from her seat and made her way to the living room. "Brother? Are you kidding me?" Then she saw Andrew peeked in and waved at her. Her eyes rounded upon seeing him.

"Is he your boyfriend babe?" Casey was curious. He’s switching his gaze between them.

Andrew beamed hearing that..


"I wonder why there’s already two guys who're after you hmm, baby?" she bantered softly. "Andrew, come in." he then told him.

Maris came to her children, "What’s taking you so long?"

"Good evening ma’am!" Andrew greeted. "I am Andrew Choi."

"Oh, I’m sure you haven’t taken your dinner. Come and join us."

"By the way ma’am, I brought these for you all." he gave two boxes of pizza and another box of cake.

Rees didn’t notice that he brought something for them. "You shouldn’t have to."

"You can talk while we’re eating!" Casey cut in. He put his arm on Andrew’s shoulder and the other one on his sister's waist.

Casey hasn’t seated yet when another knock interrupted them. "Okay, okay. I know it’s my role." he ran back to the door again.

"Pa, meet Andrew. He’s our model and a great friend too."

"Good evening Mr. Kim. I am Andrew Choi." he bowed nervously.

"Come sit beside her." he pointed the chair next to Rees.

"Thank you sir."

"Roxane is here!" Casey yelled.

As she’s nearing them, Rees stood up and hugged her. "Oh my soon to be sister-in-law Roxane!"

"Good evening uncle, auntie! I came here because I heard Rees is here." she said. "Ei Casey! Why you didn’t mention earlier when we were together! Bad Casey!" she complained shaking her head. "It was uncle Yong who told me."

"Yay, sorry darling I forgot. Don’t be mad please?" showing his puppy eyes.

"Okay, I know you're cute. Stop that. I'm not that mad." she then laughed.

Roxane is Casey and Rees' childhood friend and also Casey's childhood sweetheart. They're actually engaged now. They will be married next year or it might be possibly sooner.

"Roxane, join us too." their mother said as she placed additional plate on the table.

"Aww, thanks auntie!"

Casey pulled the chair for her which was just beside him. "Sit here my princess."

"Thanks my prince."

"Look at them dear, time for you to love again." Maris told her daughter.

Rees just smiled. "So, let's eat. I'm starving."

"Mama, he already has a boyfriend! It’s him!" pointing at Andrew exaggeratedly.

"Hey! He's not ---"

"C’mon baby! Why not telling the truth?" he insisted.

"You two! Finish your meals first then after that, you can argue. Alright?" their father jolted.

Maris was just chuckling. "These two children..." then shook her head.

"Ya! Why aren't you reacting?" she's whispering to Andrew but he's not giving her any reply.

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