Chapter 21: Bittersweet Utterance

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Chapter 21: Bittersweet Utterance

"Busy mingling, then what can I do?" Rees mumbled. She’s ready to step away when she glimpsed that the woman was being touchy-feely. She was like clingy on his arms. Instead of interrupting their if that’s called getting-to-know each other, she just let him be alone with her. Couldn’t find her chums so she’s on her own again. Her hands were clutched on her dress and fixed it as if it was dislocated and tightly held on her evening purse. She released a single heavy breath and marched off. 

Trevor saw her alone outside the hall. "Why all by yourself here in the hallway? Aren’t you enjoying the party?" he asked.

Rees got startled. "Sir!" she swallowed. "Ugh... No, it’s... it’s just that I’m not... not r-really used of being around people. Just that." she stammered.

"Are you okay Miss Rees?"

"Uhm, yes sir!"

"But on how you look, you aren’t. You look pale."

"Pale?" she repeated. "Do I?"

"Are you cold?" he worriedly asked, but he didn’t wait for her answer, he removed his coat and put it on her shoulders.

"Sir you don't have to..."

"Ssshh... It’s alright. And if you’re not comfortable of some guys asking for dance or whatsoever, the only thing I can suggest that might help is you must be beside me until the night is over."

Her eyes widened in surprise. That sounded like a command to her. "Sir, but that’s not a good idea to me." 

"It’s up to you." he smiled, then motioned to leave.


Meanwhile, Jerome was back on their table and silently observing the people, counting every beautiful lady he sighted and would smile at them sillily. "None of them are single anyway. They always have their partners with them." he then suddenly remembered Andrew. "Oh! Where is that dude by the way?" he wondered. "Shouldn't he be with Rees tonight?" he shook his head. He stood up and walked to the buffet to get some refreshment. That’s when he finally noticed Eily. The lady was getting a glass of wine. "Hey Eily!" he called.

She stopped when she heard the familiar voice. "Oh?" eyeing him for a moment. "Yes? So how’s your dance with my best friend? And where the hell is your best friend Andrew then?"

"Rees, she surprised us with her look tonight, I admit that I was charmed by her but I’m not really that bad. We know how much Andrew likes her so I must back off." he playfully said. "And Andrew, I can’t find him. Maybe he’s mad that I've stolen her first dance? What do you think?"

"Possible. I caught him glaring at you as you danced with his sweetheart." she said nonchalantly.

"Wait, why am I sensing something? You seem not in a good mood again. What’s making or made you like that?"

"Ugh, what?"

"Aren’t you enjoying the party? Hmm... this might help. Come on, let’s dance."

Eily looked at him unbelievingly.

"Come on!" he snatched her glass and put it back on the table.


"Sir, wait! I’m going with you!" Rees blurted.

Trevor smiled again at her and readied his arm, waiting for her.

Rees has no choice. He let him took her hand and tucked it in the crook of his arm.

The lady was still coquetting with Andrew when he saw Rees entered the hall again but her hand was on her boss' arm. Felt like there was something stuck on his throat, he swallowed hard and walked out on the lady.

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