Chapter 23: Mixed Up

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Chapter 23: Mixed Up

The ternion was on their way to the town. Rees was seated on her favorite spot as usual, the window seat. Watching the sun that’s following the bus they’re in while the other two tucked themselves to slumber, knowing they have more than four hours of travel. At the same time, she’s mulling over the things that had happened those past few days, how’s her relationship with Andrew going after his confession, how she was being treated by Trevor and the words he left her hanging, her brother getting married, her friends having less time with each other, missing her parents every time, him, etc. But what concerns her most at the moment, it’s about Andrew and Trevor. She and Andrew were okay although obviously there’s a mien of awkwardness between them but doing her utmost to be cool in front of him. She’s endeavouring to maintain the bond they have.

“How has everybody been?!” Rees blurted as soon as they stepped into their abode.

Although they were expected to come, Marla looked so surprised and simultaneously elated to see them. “Oh my baby!” she gave her unica hija a warm embrace. “And welcome back ladies! Glad to see you here again.” looking at the two.

“Thanks auntie!” Lia and Eily responded cheerfully.

“Mom, how’s brother?”

“Well, he’s excited and nervous at the same time. Something normal before wedding.” she laughed. “Oh, have your meals first, you’ve been in a long ride.”

“Thanks mom, we’re actually famished.” she simpered.


“The dresses were delivered yesterday. They were made according to the measurements you’ve sent me but I don’t think they will fit you girls perfectly so can you please try them now so that if there are necessary adjustments, we can make those right away.” Roxanne told them.

And they were so up to do so.

The dresses for Rees and Lia fitted them well but for Eily, it looked loose so the dressmaker was needed to be called up.

“Woah? You sent wrong measurement? Girl, stop dreaming you gained weight.” Lia teased her.

Rees and Roxanne exchanged glances, shook heads and let out a short laugh.

“Hey! Stop making fun of me!” Eily shouted.

After their moment with their gowns, Rees received a couple of text messages from her brother informing her that Andrew has arrived and another one from Andrew himself.


They got back home and saw Andrew sitting by the couch having a hearty chat with Casey.

“Oh kiddos, you’re back!” Casey exclaimed as he saw them walked in.

“Rees.” Andrew greeted her with a breath-taking yet a shy smile.

The girls made a flirtatious glimpse at her who flush momentarily.

“Hi. Uhm, h-how’s the t-trip?” she asked.

“Long drive but worth it. Glad to be back.”

Her two chums were watching them silently and intently, and having their own private wriggling but Casey interrupted them.

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