Chapter 20: Dying Inside

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Chapter 20: Dying Inside

Rees gazed at him.

"Anyway, we can still celebrate with them tomorrow but for the meantime, let it be just you and me."

"But why it has to be with me alone tonight?" she blew up her cheeks and stared at him.

His dark brown eyes rested on her too as he seached for the right words to say. "You're all that I need." he whispered.


"Ugh, actually I have no plan at all and treat the day like an ordinary one and let it just passed. But... last night you offered yourself, right?"

Her brows wrinkled. "Excuse me? I?" pointing at herself, "Offered myself?"

"Didn’t you say that you’re just here for me?"

"Ah... But why do you ---"

"Aish! Ssshh... You’re asking too much... Let’s have our dinner first." he reached for the menu and opened it for her.

"Uh, your choice will be my choice too." she simpered.

"Come on Rees, order as much as you want." he smiled.

"No, no. Do the honor. It’s okay with me."

"I'm afraid you wouldn't like my orders?"

"Andrew, I won’t complain and for an expensive restaurant like this, do I have the nerve to be choosy? Every food serves here is worth a penny I know."

Andrew smiled. "You really sure?"

"Mm." she nodded.

"Oh! By the way, your brother called me yesterday. He told me the wedding will be in a month's time. I didn’t expect to be that soon."

"Oh? He phoned you too? Wow, they seem in a hurry eh?" as she grabbed the knife to cut the boneless leg of lamb. "Oh yes, I haven’t said my thanks yet for accepting my brother’s designation to you as his best man. But you know, I’m wondering how you’ve became that close easily in just a very short period of time."

His dimples appeared. "Let me do that." he took her plate and did the chopping for her.

Rees was pleased on his gentlemanly act.

"It just happened."

She pouted. "Okay." then another thing struck her mind. "Oh hey! Have you heard the upcoming party of our companies?"

"Party?" he paused and looked at her. "No."

"Oopps!" she hit her lips. "I shouldn’t be telling this to you yet."

"Oh? Share it. Nobody will know, promise." he raised his right hand, ensuring her.

She beamed coyly. "Hmm... Yeah, you’re like a best friend to me too so I trust you."

Andrew lowered his head and released a sigh.

"But I’m actually not into parties... I don’t really have plan to attend if not only boss has told me to." she continued.

"Ah, Mr. Kim..."

"Yeah, I’m her assistant now, right? Your photographer, too. Funny, how I jumped from there to where I am now." she chuckled.

"Is the party all about the project?"

She nodded.

"Hmm... Formal or casual?"

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