Chapter 25: Getting Under Way

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Chapter 25:Getting Under Way

Rees took off the shoe's other pair. “But I’m still going to keep this one.”

Andrew regarded her with a nod.

That’s when Trevor came along on his wheels. The headlamp dazzled them as it passed by and it halted near them.

Trevor got out. “Hey Rees, Andrew! Where had you been?” eyeing them with curiosity.

She tapped Andrew signaling him to put her down but he didn’t do.

“No Rees, your foot.” he refused.

Trevor heard it. “Oh, what happened to your foot again? Your foot seems weak, eh?”

Rees felt embarassed, she remembered the incident how they'd met.

Andrew wrinkled his brows, "Why did he say that?" he thought.

"Ah, it’s nothing sir... oh I mean Trevor. My other shoe flew and that we couldn’t retrieve it. Too bad...” she heaved a sigh.

"Uhm, let me give you a ride then." he offered.

"But you're driving to the opposite way." Andrew uttered.

"So kind of you Trevor but we're alright. Thank you." Rees followed.

"I insist. I can go to where I'm going after I've sent you home."

"Sir, she already said we're alright."

"Ugh wait, where are you going? Aren't you staying with us?" asked Rees.

"Ah, yes I am. I'm just going to see someone then I'll be back."

"You know someone here? And at this time?"

"Mmm." he nodded.

"Oh okay. I won't ask further. Drive safely."

"If you don't really want me to drop you home then I gotta go. You two take care on your way. See you later." then he climbed back to his car and before he pulled away, he called out Andrew, "Mr. Choi, take good care of her."

As Trevor drew away from them, he couldn't help but watch them through the rear-view mirror.


“I’m glad you are overnighting here, you may stay longer if you want so.” Maris told the youngsters.

“Eily and I have been missing the old times staying here, auntie. Thank you for letting us.” Lia uttered.

Maris smiled. “You guys are always welcome to our humble abode.” She then looked at the boys, Andrew, Aiden and Dennis. “I’m just worried about you guys. Casey’s room is wide enough but the problem is the bed. Some of you will have to sleep on the floor, of course we’re going to provide you some mattress. Would that be fine with you?” she asked.

“Of course, of course madam. Thanks for the thoughts.” Trevor said, suddenly popped out of nowhere.

All of them looked at him while Andrew just glanced.

“Oh, Trevor, you’re back! Where did you go?” Aiden eyed him curiously. “You didn’t say where you’re going.”

“To someone I knew, Aiden. I just dropped in because I haven’t visiting him for a long time.” and he faced the woman, “I’m sorry for meddling and for my sudden appearance, ma’am.” he politely apologized. “I saw sir Gabby and he let me in.”

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