Bad Boys Have Feelings?

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Andy Str

Today was the first day of school, I was officially an eleventh grader.

I noticed with boredom that nothing had changed. I remember hoping and wishing that the school would change the stupid blue walls, it made the place look like a kindergarten.

Everyone around me was engulfed in glee as friends reunited, I would have admired the scene if Emmett had not just walked into the building, he was even more good looking than the last time I saw him. I was practically drooling, his light brown hair was tied in a supper curly ponytail that left his beautiful face exposed for creepers like me. He had this unbelievably perfectly shaped jaw, full plump, pink, kissable lips and his eyes were always hidden behind aviators that contrasted his caramel skin.

I just couldn't understand how someone with a ponytail could look so sexy and bad, he had a ponytail for heaven's sake. Maybe it was the tattoo that protruded on his neck from under the black jacket he was wearing or maybe because he had a lot of fights and got into trouble a lot or because he was just bad, plain and simple.

"You are ogling again" I heard my best friend say destructing me.

"Bella!" I squealed .

"I've missed you so much" she hugged me giggling.

"I've missed you too"

"So... How Is Mr hot doing?" she asked letting go of me.

"Oh he's good" I nodded smiling like an idiot.

"Still head over hills" she laughed.

"Oh shut, up you know I dont like him"

"Of course not" she laughed again.

As my friend she knew that she had to support me even in my denial.

"How were the holidays?" I asked.

"Was stuck with my aunt and her garden, no electricity. I wanted to die"

"Omg I'm so sorry, I thought you had deserted me"

"I would never do that" she gave me another hug.

"You know I hope I don't have classes with Emmett this year" I sighed looking at Bella who was making weird faces "I mean I'm starting to think he's dumb or something, he never does anything in science and doesn't answer questions in other classes, what does that say to you?" I shook my head and she shook her's harder. Not in a I don't believe it sort of way but in a stop talking now! Sort of way.

"Maybe he's just dumb" a deep voice with an accent said from behind me.

I turned around slowly to face my doom and there he was standing there looking all hot and hot and hot.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out and he simply nodded and went around me.

I watched him walk away, fighting the very strong urge to slap myself.

"At least he talked to you"

"Kill me right now"

"I'm sure he understands "

"I'm wearing flip flops"

"He didn't even notice them" Bella consoled me.

Right then the bell rang and we had to part ways, but I clinged to her arm when she tried to leave, she had to swat my arm a few times for me to let go and push me inside the class.

Everyone was already seated, I swept my eyes over my familiar classmates and smiled when I noticed that Emmett wasn't there.

"You know the drill" Mrs Randy shouted making a spinning motion with her finger and we all knew what that meant.

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