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I got home tired but my mom? No, at least not until she had given me a lecture.

I went straight to bed and instead of sleeping I kept on looking at Dylan's numbers on my phone but I couldn't decide whether to call him or not.

"Hello?" his voice boomed throughout my speakers.

"Um hey it's Skyler the girl you met at the..."

"I know who you are" he cut me off with a chuckle.




"You don't know what to say?" he asked.

"No, this was a bad idea I'm sorry"

"No its fine, I can stay on until you figure out what to say"

"What? That is ridiculous"

"Who are you talking to?" my mom startled me barging in.

"I'm speaking to Bella about life science project"

"So Bella as I was saying, it would be ridiculous to do the eye when everyone is doing it, I prefer the ear or maybe the brain" I paused for a while. Watching my mom move around my room, probably checking if it was clean.

"Yeah the heart is also good, we can do that plus it is both our favorite, we'll ace it"

"Say hi to Bella" my mom said closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry" I talked into the phone.

He laughed for a very long time then cleared his throat.

"So your friend is Bella? Nice name"

"Yeah, she's really pretty too and athletic and..."

"Stop, I don't want to hear about your friend"

"Oh sorry"

"Stop apologizing, you were not sorry when you punched jess and I don't think you were sorry when you told us to go fuck ourselves" he chuckled.

"Okay I'm not sorry, im just tired"


"What do you mean and?"

"What else is there?"

I sighed "I'm just nervous about going to school tomorrow"


"I don't know maybe"


"I mean there's also Kevin" I sighed loudly.

We talked on the phone I don't know until when, I just woke up in the morning still in my clothes and shoes, I shuffled to my feet and headed to the bathroom then dialed Dylan.

"I'm awake" he said seeming to wake up right at that moment.

"Sure you are" I chuckled hanging up.

I texted Bella to come early but she didn't answer.

When I arrived at school I could tell that I was too early because the only car that was there was Emmett's besides a few teachers, I was walking confidently until I saw him rounding the corner.

I quickly turned around and walked the opposite direction.

I was yanked by my arm and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You are avoiding me" he growled.

"I'm not"

"Where were you?"

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