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I was late. On a Monday, who likes Monday anyway?

I couldn't pay attention to half of the stuff that was said, I just told myself that I would ask for Kevin's book to copy and maybe if I asked nicely enough he would feel sorry for me and borrow me.

The fact that Emmet was no where to be found made breathing a lot more easier for me.

As soon as the first half of the day was done I told myself that I'd just go home and hopefully mom wouldn't be there.

From a distance I could see Kevin leaning on my locker or what I hoped was my locker, I felt myself relax a bit.

"Hey kev" I sighed.

"You okay?" he asked with a small smile.

"Faggot" some boy snapped and before I could register what I was doing I had banged his head on the locker next to mine.

"I'm okay now" I smiled a bit.

"Have you eaten? You look pale" he said pulling me towards the cafeteria and we both pretended that I had not just slammed someone's face onto a locker. I took on wrestling as a kid, not a good choice on my parents side.

"I'm not hungry"

"Are you on a hunger strike?"

"Are you? I've never seen you eat anything"

"Okay we shall eat together"

"Four slices of pizza please" I said to the woman behind the counter.

I saw kevins face contort in disgust.

"Oh no, make that two green salads, two apples and grapes please" I changed my order and the woman looked at me in annoyance but didn't say anything.

Ten minutes later we were seated on the stairs that lead to the storeroom.

I ate slowly but at least I was eating something, Kevin just played with the lettuce.

"At least eat the fruits"

"I'm not hungry" he whispered.

"Kevin look at me" his eyes flickered to me "please" I begged and he took one grape and put it in his mouth. I took one too and that's how we ate, I took one bite then he would do the same.

"Where's Emmet?" I asked him.

"Probably home"

"Why is he avoiding me?"

"I don't know, did you try calling him?"

"He blocked me"

"Maybe he's busy or something"

"Yeah maybe, when can you come over to my house?"

"I don't know why?"

"I just wanna hang out I guess" I shrugged.

"I'll tell you when I'm free" he looked worried.

"Okay" I smiled at him.

After lunch we had PET and I was unwillingly uncooperative. I just felt too tired.

Mandy and Brian were giving me strange looks so I just told the coach I was sick and asked for Kevin to take me home, after one look he agreed and even told me to see a doctor.

"Where to?" Kevin asked.

"The cafe please" I told him relaxing into the seats of his car.

"Bella hasn't come around yet?"

"No" I sighed " I didn't see her at the party so I thought she had changed her mind about joining Mandy's squad but turns out she didn't have the perfect outfit" I sighed again.

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