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I was almost ready when my phone rang.

"Hey Dylan"

"When are you finishing, I've been waiting for twenty minutes"

"I'm done now, I'll be right out" I lied still looking for my shoes.

"Fine" I heard him groan loudly.

"Mom where are the shoes?" I shouted.

"Right here" she shouted from downstairs and I ran down the stairs to find them in the kitchen.

"I'll see you later" I kissed her cheek and dashed out the door.

"Sorry I took so long" I apologized entering the car.

"I'm gonna be so late" he groaned.

"You won't, we'll be quick"

"What are we doing at the supermarket?" he asked.

"You'll see" I couldn't contain my excitement.

I reached for the bag pack on my feet. I wasn't wearing anything fancy just a black dress and black combat boots not forgetting some tights underneath. My hair was tied into a simple ponytail.

We got to the supermarket quickly and I picked up three tins of sardines. When we got to the check out I batted my eyelashes dramatically at Dylan.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"Pweese" I begged.

"Unbelievable" he sighed paying for them "where are we going, master chef?" he asked as we entered the car.

"No silly we are going to Mandy's party"

"With sardine?"

"Yes" he was quiet for a while then he caught on.

"You little devil" he smirked and I gave him a devilish grin.

When we stopped outside, the party was already in full swing, I felt a bit uneasy as I stepped out of the car.

"What now?" Dylan asked standing next to me.

"We'll start at the car"

"I swear to you if im late" Dylan warned.

"Don't worry, it will be less than ten minutes then you can go" I told him as I looked around for Mandy's car in the pool of cars.

"How do you know it won't be locked?" Dylan asked following lazily behind.

"I dont" I smiled and finally we were right infront of Mandy's car.

"Hand me one can" I told him.

"Take it yourself" he handed me the bag.

"You are no fun" I frowned slightly and gave him my phone to film the whole thing.

I opened the can slowly careful not to spill it on myself.

"If that thing touches me"

"Wait let me get something in my car" I heard Mandy's shrill voice approaching.

We quickly ran to the back of the car and ducked down as her heals clicked loudly dispite the music coming from the party.

I Could hear her open the door and after a few seconds she closed it and her heals could be heard clicking away.

"You are such a baby" I chuckled.

"I think this is gonna be fun after all" Dylan smirked as we got up.

I opened the backseat door quickly and emptied the tin under the seat then closed the door.

"Where to now?" Dylan grinned at me.

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