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"Why isn't he waking up?" I questioned.

"Give it some time Skylar, he'll wake up" Dylan rubbed my back in a soothing motion.

"I want him to wake up now" I whined trying to hold back some tears.

A few minutes later the nurse kicked us out and we had to wait outside.

"I have to head back, keep me posted" Dylan said.

"Okay" I nodded.

"He'll be okay" lily smiled hugging me then they left, this was my first time seeing her and it wasn't really the ideal circumstances.


"No Emmet, don't talk to me"

"I'm sor..."

"Shut up, don't say you are sorry"

"But I..."

"I'm tired of hearing it, I know you are not sorry so just save it"

"Skylar listen to me"

"No" I started to walk away from him and I felt his arm circle around me and even though I was mad his touch still gave me this weird feeling inside.

"Let me explain okay?" he said in a low voice, his breath fanning my neck.

"Okay" I freed myself from his grasp and turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry" I didn't say anything "I was in a bad space and I wasn't good company"


"Please tell me you understand" his eyes were pleading.

"I understand" I lied swallowing hard, trying not to cry.

"Let me take you home"

"No, I wanna be here when Kevin wakes up"

When I went back to Kevin's room there was a doctor who advised me to let him rest but I explained to him that he was gonna be heartbroken if he woke up all alone then he let me go in.

Emmet was there with me even though we were not talking, I stared at Kevin waiting for him to wake up until I fell asleep. I was awoke by his fingers twitching under mine then his eyes fluttered open.

"Skyler?" he looked at me confused.

"Hey" I smiled and a single tear left my eye.

"I'm sorry"

"Shhh it's okay" I got up and climbed on top of the bed letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"Hey Em"

"Hey buddy" Emmet gave him a small smile.

"I thought you were a busy man"

"Not busy enough to keep away from my crazy friend" he smiled.

"What did Dylan say? Was he mad?" Kevin asked to no one in particular.

"He was just worried, he had to leave but he had been here the whole time"

"I know he was" Kevin said in a tired voice "is my-my dad here?" he asked tensing up.

"No, no he's not" I told him stroking his hair gently and he seemed to relax, soon he fell asleep again.

A whole week passed before Kevin was deemed healthy enough to be released but there was a problem with that, his dad was here to take him home and I just couldn't allow that.

"Mr. Frost!" I called out to him


"So Kevin is being released today"

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