Chapter 33

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"Hello?" I groaned answering the phone "Emmet are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here"

"What's going on are you okay?" I sat up yawning.

"I'm fine, I just really wanted to see you"

"At this time?"

"Babe come on it's 10:36 people aren't even asleep yet"

"So what do you want?" I whined.

"How about we go on an adventure?"

"Really?" I perked up immediately

"Yeah, why not?"

"I'll be ready in five"

"I'm already outside"

"You sneaky little..." I laughed quietly then I changed quickly wearing a light hoodie then I brushed my teeth and sneaked out. Just when I was at the driveway tiptoeing my father's car rounded the corner and I just stood there frozen.

"Hey there what's going on?" he asked casually after parking next to me.

Okay you can do this just lie.

"Me and Emmet are going on an adventure" I blurted, damn it.

"No" he started pulling me towards the front door.

"Daddy please..." I begged.

"No, you will go on an adventure when its daylight"

"Daddy please, he's dying and this could be our last adventure we go on together" I had not wanted to play that card but he left me no choice.

"Fine" now he started pulling me towards Emmet's car "I want her back before one, no touching, no holding hands, nothing funny understood?" Emmet nodded quickly.

"Yes sir" he said and my dad huffed and left.

"What'd you say to him?" Emmet asked as we drove away.

"Um... I just asked nicely" I lied looking away "So where are we going?"

"To eat first I'm famished"

"Me too" I nodded remembering I had went to bed without eating.

"Hey babe?" it still made me all warm and fuzzy inside when he called me babe.

"Yeah?" I giggled.


"Nothing" I shook my head.

"Come on tell me" he probed as we pulled up at the diner.

"It's nothing" I couldn't help giggling.

"Okay you asked for it" he started tickling me and I twisted in all sorts of awkward positions to avoid him.

"Okay, okay" I said breathlessly.

"Okay what?" he continued to tickle me.

"I'll te...I'll... I'll tell you" I screamed.

"Okay I'm listening" he sat back on his seat.

"It's just that" I looked down suddenly embarrassed.

"What, hey?"

"This is so embarrassing" I was so glad, it was sort of dark in the car.

"Tell me please" he begged taking my hand.

"I like it when you call me babe" I covered my face quickly.

"Aww babe you are so cute" he took my hands and kissed them "I want to keep you foreveeeer" he exited the car and came to open my door.

"My lady?" I took his hand and stepped out into the chilly night.

I shivered a bit as we walked towards the entrance "Here" he said taking off his leather jacket and putting it around me.

"Thanks" I mumbled as he pulled me close to his side. I was so content in that moment that it scared me a little.

"Hey Skylar?"

"Yeah?" I looked up from my burger and suddenly he smiled at me "What?"

"I wanted to just say thanks for not giving up on me"

"Is that what you going to say in the car?" I asked.


"Well you know what when I agreed to be your girlfriend I knew it was not going to be a walk in the park, speaking of girlfriend you never officially asked me to be your girlfriend" my eyes went wide for a moment "Omg we are friends"

"Shit so I've been making out with my friend all this time?"

"It seems you have" I smiled widely.

"Skylar will you be my girlfriend?" he smirked.

"No I can't I've already friend zoned you, sorry" I giggled a little.

"Really? That's a shame because then I would do this..." he brushed his lips momentarily to mine then sighed "Too bad I'm friend zoned" he shook his head turning back to drink his cream soda.

"No, no, no you are not friend zoned, I unfriend zoned you, I will be your girlfriend"

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want you to feel under pressure or anything" he mocked.

"Just shut up" I pulled him towards me and kissed him, struggling to straddle him in the small space of the booth we were sitting in.

"Woah babe calm down" Emmet chuckled pushing me down gently, I was panting.

"I'm sorry, it's my stupid hormones, they like to roam around without adult supervision" I glued my eyes to the table embarrassed, people were staring, I could feel it.

"I like your hormones" he spoke low in my ear, I could feel something within me stir again "Especially on my bed when..."

"Oh my god stop" I couldn't take it, I wanted to jump him right there and he knew it.

"Maybe we should get out of here" Emmet suggested and I tried to catch my breath as Emmet led me outside, what is wrong with me today?

"Shit" he muttered.


"Your dad said no touching"

"What? He won't see"

"You know he will and then he will kill me"

"No" I whined.

"Come on, let's do this rather" he pulled me towards his car and took out a book bag.

"What's in there?" I asked.

"You'll see" we started walking slowly toward god knows where.

"Look at the stars, they are so pretty aren't they?"

"Not as pretty as you" Emmet said and I found myself grinning like an idiot.

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