Chapter 34

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I wanted to be a good citizen who abided by the rules but Emmet made me an offer could not refuse. Spray painting buildings had always been my dream but I was too much of a wuss to actually do it but here I had someone who wasn't afraid to take risks and apparently he didn't mind getting arrested either, yeah we got caught by a police officer, luckily Emmet's older friend was watching and just so happened to be friends with the officer.

They argued for a while but then at last the officer groaned and mumbled something about stupid teenagers and small pay before he trudged away.

"Yo thanks D" Emmet grinned at the boy, he was probably in his mid-twenties and he had an afro to die for.

"It's been a long time E"

So apparently they called each other with letters... not weird in the middle of the night in some alley.

"Where you been man?"

"Nah I've been getting my shit together man, I'm officially an engineer man. Thanks to you" the boy 'D' grinned and they did this boy hug and handshake thing that was way too complicated to comprehend.

"That's great man, I'm glad you finally got your shit together"

"So how's life?" D asked.

"Oh she's fine" Emmet pulled me towards him and I couldn't help but blush like crazy.

"What's your name boo?" D asked with a chuckle.


"What? You lie" his eyes bulged out "This is thee Skylar?" he asked Emmet who nodded with grin "Well it's nice to meet you" he shook his head in disbelief "I can't believe it" he looked between us.

I wanted to ask what he was talking about but I felt way too shy to even blink.

"Come lemme give you a ride"

"Nah man I gotta take her home"

"It will only take a few minutes" D insisted so we got into his Jetta and he drove away.

"The creek?" Emmet asked "What are we doing here?" he sounded surprised.

"You'll see" D smiled as the gates opened and we parked inside, the place looked a school, mini buildings scattered everywhere and there was one right in front of us, it had large beams seeming to hold the roof up, it was dark I couldn't see well.

"Where are we?" I whispered.

"We call it the creek" D answered and I looked down in embarrassment, I thought he wouldn't hear me. "Actually, he" he pointed at Emmet "Came up with the stupid name"

"He did?" I asked my voice was just above a whisper as we approached the middle building.

"He built this place, didn't he tell you?" D sounded genuinely surprised.

"He did what?" before I could get my answer the doors opened, lights went on and a lot of people screamed surprise, I didn't know them, I almost had a heart attack.

That night I found out that Emmet found a kid who hacked into his trust fund then he took all of his money and built this place, housing +- 200 kids with skills programs, I was stunned. Emmet said his dad was mad at first but he eventually warmed up to it and helped build other facilities. I was so proud and stunned I kissed him in front of everybody in the huge hall. I even cried, it was all too much. I realized in that moment that I loved him much more than I had the previous day.

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