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As I got ready for school I was praying that at least my phone had a bit of life before we left. I had spent the whole night texting with Kevin and Emmet so I woke up late and my phone was dead.

So as usual we were late to school and I didn't even bother running to class.

"Hey twinkletoes" Emmet's arms wrapped around my shoulders and he kissed my forehead.

"Hello Emmet" I smiled like the idiot that I am.

"You look tired" he frowned.

"It's my face" I laughed.

"That's not funny"

"I'm a bit tired"

"Let me walk you to class well discuss this when I come back"

"Come back? Where are you going?"

"I'm just gonna buy some cigs and come back"

"No, why?" I whined and he raised his hand, it was shaking.

"I need to babe, I'll be right back you won't even notice I'm gone" he turned on his heels and left.

"You are late Stella" the teacher said.

"Really?" I asked sitting down.

"No need to be sarcastic with me" she snapped.

"Emmet?" Kevin whispered and I nodded, I slept through that class and the next and the next then it was lunch.

Emmet was leaning on the wall twirling a cigarette in-between his fingers, girls had suddenly camped near my class just to watch him standing there and hoping for his attention.

"Twinkletoes" he said with his lopsided smile. My mood instantly lifted

"Tell me you have food"

"As a matter of fact I do"

"You do?" I asked excitedly.

"Not yet" he sighed "But sit down and I'll go get you something to eat. I sat on the table where me and Bella used to sit and waited.

"Freak" one of Mandy's minions said passing.

"Slut" Bella said and I had to restrain myself from jumping her and choking the shit out of her.

"Just go kill yourself" Mandy said with a sweet smile then they were gone and I kept my eyes on the table.

I can't just leave, Emmet said to wait here, I looked up at Mandy's table and she had her signature smirk on her face which soon fell when Emmet sat down with me.

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore" I sighed.

"Are you feeling sick?" his hand went up to my forehead.

"No I just really wanna go home"

"But babe you need to eat" he said gently.

"Okay" I took a bite of my chips. He wasn't eating, he was watching me.

"What?" I asked.

"You are not happy" he sighed.

"Don't be silly, I was just hungry and tired" I faked glee but he seemed to see through me though he didn't say anything.

First period after lunch, Emmet got into a fight and dislocated someone's jaw, I continued to fall asleep, Kevin was happy to spend time with Tabitha so I told him I was gonna take the bus home.


"No Emmet, I wanna be alone" I said continuing to walk.

"Babe what's going on? Talk to me"

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