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I decided that Friday was the day I would finally go and see my grandma, mom was free so why not?

After an hour of quick packing I was ready to leave.

"Let's go Skyler!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

I found her in the car ready to go, I put my stuff in the trunk and we took off.

I spent half the time in the car contemplating meeting new people and maybe finding a boyfriend?

Half the other time I was asleep, only waking up when we arrived.

As soon as we were parked in the garage I took off like a bullet.

"Grandma!" I yelled.

"My cupcake" she laughed hugging me.

"I've missed you so much" I smiled at her.

"I thought you had forgotten about me"

"I would never, you are the best grandma in the world"

"And don't you forget it" she chuckled.

"Hello mom" my mom said to my grandma.

"Oh my one and only daughter" my grandma smiled giving her a hug.

Now you are probably thinking that this is my mothers mom but no grandma is actually my fathers mom but my mom still calls her mom even though she never got married to my dad.

"Take the bags upstairs Skyler" my mom said nicely, see here's the thing with my mother, I enjoyed this side of her because she was either an angel or Satan and there was no in-between.

I took the bags and as I was walking up the stairs,I remembered when I had cried for days begging my mom to build a slide, come to think of it, that was a pretty damn good idea.

The door to my room was navy blue and the inside was still the same:yellow.

My grandma had insisted that I was going to be a girl but my parents wouldn't agree so the room ended up being painted yellow.

The small single bed still had the same bed covers that I had insisted that my grandma never change. I was ten.

I looked outside the window to see a bunch of teenagers laughing and talking. I almost envied them.

"Dinner is ready!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

Just what I've been waiting to hear.

Through out dinner I told my grandma about the latest things that were happening in my nonexistent Social life. Everything but Emmett and some things about Kevin were edited.

After dinner I washed the dishes and kissed both my mom and grandma goodnight.

I tossed and turned the whole night thinking about Kevin and Emmet, I heard my mom sneak in to take her bags and a couple of minutes after that I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day bright and early.

I took a bath and wore my cute hellokittie t-shirt but it didn't look cute once it was on me, it made me look like I had giant boobs, I searched through my bag of clothes and found Emmett's leather jacket.

It looked awfully big but atleast it covered my monstrous boobs.

I found my grandma in the kitchen and we ate breakfast together discussing the paper and after that I took off.

On my way to the group of teenagers, I saw some of them stealing glances at me and giggling.

"What's with her clothes?" I saw a blonde girl saying and I passed right by them as if I had not been coming to them.

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