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Two weeks of speaking to Emmet twenty-four seven was nothing that I considered healthy.

I had tried texting him over the weekend but he had not answered since thursday, today was Wednesday and still no word from him.



"Are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"I'm fine, just hungry" I lied.

"If there was something wrong you would tell me right?"


"Skylar come on I can see that there is something bothering you"

"It's just... I don't know" I shrugged and he climbed on top of the hood of his car and pulled me up.

"Is it Emmet? Should I talk to him?"

"No don't talk to him, it's all on me"

"What happened?"

"Remember I was chatting with him right?"


"Well he hasn't replied since last Thursday and I've sent him a bunch of messages, I know I'm annoying him but I just can't help it"

"He said you are annoying him?"

"No, every time I tell him that I feel like I am he sends me smiley faces and kisses then he says: no babe you are not annoying me" I buried my face in Kevin's chest.

"I'll have to speak to him" Kevin mumbled angrily.

"No please don't, I've already embarrassed myself enough"

"Okay I won't say anything" he stroked my hair and we stayed like that in silence.

Afterschool while walking home I passed next to a kid crying but it seemed no one was paying attention to him so I went back to check if he was okay. Despite the fact that he was crying his eyes out, he was really cute: dark curly hair, chubby face and cute pouty lips. He was wearing blue shorts, sandles and a red t-shirt.

"Hello there" I bent over smiling at him. He blinked a few times and stared at me "What's your name?"

"Sammy" he said but it sounded more like shammy.

"Wonderful name Sammy, where's mom?"

"Momma" he started to cry again.

"It's okay we'll find her" I scooped him up into my arms and started looking around hoping for some clue to find his mom.

"Um hello, can I ask you something?" I asked a homeless man sitting by the curb.

"Sure" he smiled friendly.

"This boy lost his mom and I'm trying to help him find her"

"Mom? That boy was walking with a man not a woman" he looked away.

"Well where is the man?"

"He went into that shop" the man pointed at a gadget shop across the street "He's wearing a blue cardigan"

"Thank you so much sir" I said entering the bakery just behind us.

"Skylar, it's been a long time"

"Hey Margret" I smiled "I need a favor"

"I don't have freebies" she shook her head.

"Nothing like that, I need you to look after this kid for a few minutes, and I'll be right back"

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