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There was a knock on the door and I literally ran to it.

"Sammy!" I squealed and he clapped his tiny hands in excitement, I took him and spun him around "I missed you so much" I said and he laughed "Oh hi Celia" I said in embarrassment.

"Hi Skylar" she smiled "If you need anything" she handed me Sammy's bag.

"We'll be fine"

"Have you ever baby sat before?"

"No" I smiled

"Okay let me just leave before I change my mind" she left.

"Mom! Sammy is here" I grinned like an idiot holding him up for my mom to see.

"He's not a toy Skylar" my mom took him and he didn't even cry. I was basically a stranger but he was happy to see me not to mention that his mother didn't mind bringing him over to a stranger, perks of a small town.

"I know but he's so cool right?" my mom shook her head "Kevin come check this out"

Kevin appeared from the sitting room.

"Look who's here" I grinned pointing at Sammy who immediately extended his arm towards him.

"Oh he likes people" Kevin chortled taking him.

"He likes you" I smiled "Oh mom today is gonna be so awesome I'm gonna teach him how to talk"

"Have you ever considered that the reason he doesn't talk is because he is not meant to talk yet?"

"What? There is no such"

"Just don't overwork the baby Skylar" she took an apple kissing all three of us then heading out.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

"Sure it is" Kevin left with Sammy.

I took my phone from the table counter


"Hello Dylan" I screamed

"What the fuck? Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is?"


"Are you crazy?"



"Don't be silly get your ass over here"

"It's early"

"Now!" I smiled then hung up.

I took it upon myself to make popcorn and a couple of snacks then I cleaned the house while Kevin watched Sammy.

Four hours later the snacks were ready, the house was squeaky clean and Dylan was here with lily and Emmet whom I tried not to pay too much attention to.

"Is there any meat?" Dylan asked while Emmet just went to join Kevin in the sitting room.

"What meat?" I asked confused.

"Yeah what meat?" lily also asked.

"We are men we need meat"

"We are just watching movies" I said.

"We still need meat"

"Fine go buy it"

"Come let's go"





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