chapter 35

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>Emmet are you okay there?< I texted for the thousandth time.

It was three am and Kevin nor Dylan was answering their phone and I was getting kind of worried and I knew if I didn't do anything, I would worry myself straight into a coma so I sneaked out and stole the minicooper hoping my dead was too tired to hear me leave.

I prayed hard that I was going the right way and when I arrived I breathed a sigh of relief. The party was still in full swing drunk teenagers everywhere.

"You are back?" D shouted over the music.

"Yeah I got worried" I admitted in shame and he nodded in understanding as I shuffled forward and spotted Emmet on his throne swatting girls away.

"Hey" I shouted over the music, I could tell he was drunk shitless.

"Hi" he glared his eyes barely open

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No, I wanna go home" he pouted a little which was excessively adorable.

"Cool I'll take you home" I reached out to help him up.

"No. don't touch me, I have a girlfriend" he glared.

"What? Who is she?" I asked incredulously. He had another girlfriend? My heart sank.

"Her name is Skylar, she's pretty" he said proudly then belched.

"Okay" I laughed my heart warming up to unbearable measures. "Let me just help you get home okay? I won't do anything"

"If you try anything I'll punch you" he promised and he seemed serious. I looked around to see if I could spot Kevin or Dylan but nothing so I just helped Emmet up and we staggered outside.

He was so heavy I thought I would drop dead at any moment.

"Here let me help you" D said taking Emmet from me which was a relief.

"The care is over here" I led him to the car with my limbs aching a little.

He put Emmet in the front seat and turned back to me.

"Can you stay with him, I'm gonna try and find Kevin and Dylan"

"Oh don't worry about them, I'll get them home safe"

"Thank you so much" I hugged him quickly and he seemed surprised "Sorry, should have warned you first"

"Its fine boo"

"I'm a really huggy person, it's embarrassing"

"Now I know why" he laughed "See ya later" he walked away.

"Later" I shouted after him and wanted to slap myself for my stupidity.

I was listening to Emmet's drunken mumblings the whole way to his house where his dad helped me get him up to his room then left.

"Let me help you with that" I tried to reach for his alcohol stained t-shirt but he swatted me away.

"Don't touch me I have a girlfriend" he growled, It was really hard not to laugh, "Leave!" he said "I want to sleep now"

"Okay" I said and I left after I left him a note.

I laughed a little as I descended the stairs.

"What is it?" his father asked.

"He doesn't recognize me, he thinks I'm trying to harass him" I laughed but his father didn't seem to get it so I just said goodbye and rushed home.

I slept with a huge smile on my face.

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