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I was finished getting ready for the date and now I was seated with my phone talking to Dylan.

"See I'm afraid to tell him that I know"

"Why, Kevin seems like an alright kid"

"Yes but what if my suspicions are wrong or worse: they are right"

"Then you can work at it from there"

"I don't think..." I heard a blaring horn outside and rushed to the window to check "listen my date is here, I'll call you later" I told Dylan and he hung up.

"Hey sugar"

"Don't push your luck" I told Mandy's cousin who I didn't even want to go with.

"The name is Joe"

"The name is I don't give a shit" I said annoyed.

"We are going to have a great time together" he smiled and I looked out the window.

He talked non stop until we reached the venue, I was so annoyed that ended up being plain angry, I wanted to just punch him and throw him in the dumpster.

Was this how everybody felt about me?

When we arrived Emmet and Mandy were already seated.

"Ewe, you brought the freak?" Mandy shrieked and emmet just looked expressionless.

I sat down on the opposite of Emmet and Mandy, the twit called Joe sat beside me.

"Keep your distance will you?" I told him and he smiled.

"Her name is Skyler" he smiled at Mandy.

"Like I care" she rolled her eyes.

"Baby I don't understand why this had to be a double date, especially with her" Mandy whined.

"Look here fart face, I didn't want to come here so suck it up and stop being a bitch baby" I shouted annoyed.

A few heads turned in our direction and the waiter cleared his throat.

"I am..."

"We don't care just give us our menus" Mandy snapped and the waiter did so.

"Any questions about the menu?" he asked.

"Um yeah, what font is this?" I asked.

"I don't know miss"

"Oh okay do you have something like a burger?"

"No ma'am"

"Then I'll take the steak"

"How would you like it?"

"Not raw" I told him and he chuckled.

He waited for the others to give him their orders.

I noticed that emmet bearly looked at the menu .

"I'll have what she's having" he pointed at me and Mandy and her cousin ordered things with names I couldn't pronounce.

"I'm gonna go out for a smoke" he said getting up, he was so cold and I didn't understand why he invited us here. Well indirectly but still.

I called for the waiter and he rushed to our table.

"Hi um what's your name?" I asked though I could see his name tag.

"Damian" he said.

"Awesome name" I said and he smiled.

"Did you come here for the waiter?" Mandy questioned annoyed.

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