Chapter 38 p3

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I love log cabins okay? I've never actually seen one but you know? I watch tv and stuff so I know that when I go on a road trip someday that's where I wanna sleep not outside with the coyotes.

What do you prefer camping outside with Coyotes or sleeping in a log cabin?

Please don't forget to vote and comment ;)


We arrived at the most beautiful log cabin I've ever seen, it was built out of white pine logs.

"It's so beautiful" I told Emmet.

"Not as beautiful as you" Emmet commented.

"Where's my room I want to sleep?" Bella asked.

I took a look around everything seemed to be made from different types of wood. The fireplace was already on there were tan couches huddling around it, the whole cabin had a feel of a game reserve type of place. All the rooms were spacious and had a warm rustic glow.

After Bella went to bed, Emmet made hot chocolate and we sat on the rug next to the fireplace.

"Where are we? It's so cold"

"I am not telling you"

"Why not?" I pouted.

"I love the suspense" he gave me a peck on the lips.

"Oh my god I wish we could stay here forever" I huffed.

"We'll come back when the time is right. Hopefully it will be just you and me"

"Why? What do you want to do that you can't do in front of my friend?"

"I never said anything about doing anything" and I blushed from embarrassment.

"But since you asked" he took my cup and placed it aside then he turned back to me his eyes blazing, his finger traced the outer part of my wrist and I whimpered.

"More kitchen accidents?"

"I'm sorry" I breathed, I heard him sigh. I didn't want to see the look on his face.

"No more kitchen accidents, promise me"


"Please" he begged tipping my chin up so that my eyes met his, he looked sad "Promise me"

"I promise"

"Not ever no matter what happens" he said and I looked away "Skylar"

"I don't know"

"What don't you know, what makes you do it, I need you to talk to me"

"I get sad okay? And I don't know how to handle it" a single tear fell.

"It's okay, it'll get better you just have to hang in there" he pulled me closer. I didn't sound like we were talking about the same thing. I had a sudden urge to start bawling.

It was nine thirty pm and we had just come back from watching the fireworks outside and now we were bathing.

"It feels so good to finally be in water" I said.

"I feels good to be in water with you" Emmet said kissing my shoulder.

After we were done bathing I got into my pyjamas while he stayed in his underwear, I tried not to stare. Too much. He's tattoos were too intriguing I could never get used to them and now knowing that my name was in there, it made things even worse.

"Anything you want over here?" he asked lying on the bed. I shook my head embarrassed he had caught me staring for the thousandth time. "You sure?" he put his hands behind his head and I watched as his tattoos stretch over his muscles.

"I want to touch" I blurted and covered my mouth quickly.

"Aww babe you are the cutest thing ever, come on. Touch whatever you like"

I was afraid and embarrassed, I didn't dare move from the chair I was sitting on "Fine" he said getting off the bed and stalking toward me.

In a swift movement he picked me up and threw me on the bed. He followed right after, hovering over me. His eyes had that thing again, that thing that drove me nuts.

"Can I touch?" his voice sounded huskier than usual, I nodded quickly making him smile and off went my pyjamas.

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