Chapter 32

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Having breakfast with dad and Kevin was fun as always, we mostly spewed out our breakfast laughing which caused a whole lot a of mess but I didn't mind, these were moments I lived for.

Dad had eagerly went back to bed Kevin went to play video games while I went on about cleaning the house, I then did the laundry and went to bath.

After calling Mr. O'Brian a few times without reaching him I just left a message telling him that I was just checking on him, I knew he was a grown man and needed to be at his own place since he had a job now but I still felt nervous for him you know? What if he got a recipe wrong and poisoned himself or just starved to death? Okay maybe I was exaggerating a bit but that didn't make me feel any better, I just wanted to hear him telling me that he was okay.

"Hey Kev, I'm going to see your dad you wanna come?" I asked peeking at his door.

"Yeah sure, we have to discuss living arrangements anyway" he said getting up.

I wanted to shoot myself in the foot for regretting asking him, I didn't want him to discuss stupid living arrangements with his father, I wanted him to stay here with me.

"Okay I'll go tell dad" I walked slowly to my parents room where my dad was snoring lightly.

"Dad" I shook him "Dad" he woke with a start.

"What is it? Am I late for work?" he sniffed the air "Is the house on fire?"

"No, me and Kev are going over to his dad" I told him.

"Oh" he lay back down stretching himself like a cat "You don't seem happy about it" he commented.

"It's not that, I mean I wanted his dad to get better and he's better now but that means he's gonna leave me"

"Oh honey he's not gonna leave you" he sat up and pulled me closer to him "You'll see him all the time"

"I know" my voice broke "But what if he doesn't like me anymore?"

"That won't happen"

"I'm ready" Kevin said by the door "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah just help me up" I tried to sound playful and he came and pulled me up to my feet "Your lunch is in the microwave dad" I told him.

"Okay" he went back under the covers.

I would have to come back and wake him for lunch or he'd die in his sleep from food deprivation.

When we arrived at Kevin's dad he was trying to make omelets with this serious look in his face, the one that boys usually get when they don't understand something.

"Maybe I can help with that" I offered.

We stayed a long time and when we got back home it was six pm and dad was shoveling down his lunch all ready to go.

"You smell fresh" I offered.

"I wonder why" he gulped down some juice.

"I'm sorry I wasn't home in time to make dinner"

"Don't worry about it kiddo, I ordered you kids some pizza" he grabbed his phone.

"really?" Kevin asked in as much shock as I was in.

"Yes just don't tell your mother, she will kill us all before we die of natural causes" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead and ruffling Kevin's hair. "Be safe stay in the house"

"Of course dad" we said in unison and he groaned, I think he knew just as much as I did that we had plans.

"Well I have to meet up with Happy" Kevin said after dad left.

"And I have to meet up with Emmet"

"Need a ride?"

"Sure" we both grabbed our phones and headed out.

>I'm on my way to the diner< I texted Emmet.

>Cool see you there< he texted back which was weird because Emmet didn't do plain text, he would have said babe or put in some kissy emoji's or something, something must have been wrong, maybe he had changed his mind about getting back together with me. Damn it, I was gonna scratch his eyes out, I hadn't had much practice since the last time but with enough passion I could do it.

"Call if you need anything" Kevin said as I exited the car.

"I will" I lied knowing I wouldn't after I committed murder.

I saw Emmet leaning on the far wall of the diner were there was little light, maybe he was planning to murder me too.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" he puffed out smoke, I resisted the urge to take the killing machine and step on it.

"Well, what's going on?" I asked.

"I just wanted to apologize"

"But you already did"

"Yeah but..." he puffed out smoke.

"Emmet what is it?"

"I just got scared you know?" he stepped on the last of his cigarette and took out another one, his hands shook as he tried to light it, I took the moment to take them away from him. He pinched his forehead in frustration and leaned on the wall shutting his eyes.

"Talk to me" I begged.

"I had a crush on you since we were kids, you are the only person I ever really loved and I just..." he banged his head lightly on the wall.

"You just what?" I threw away the lighter and the cigarette and took his hand my heart pounding. He slid down the wall until he was seated down and he hid his face in-between his legs "Please tell me" I kneeled in front of him.

"I'm not getting better" he raised his head and I could see tears glistering on his cheeks "I am going to die and I don't know what to do"

I was trying to hold back my own tears as I pulled him close to me and just let him cry.

"I didn't want you to leave me" he cried.

"I won't" I was crying now.

"But you have to" he looked up at me "I don't wanna hurt you like that"

"I'm not going anywhere" I said stubbornly.

"Please sky, I don't have in me to walk away, please just..."

"No, I didn't have a crush on you all those years only to give up on you now" that made him laugh a little "Everything is going to be okay" I said, it was a feeble lie he knew it and I knew it but in that moment we both wanted so badly to stop hurting that we let ourselves believe it.

"By the way if you ever try to dump me again, I will murder you" I whispered and his body vibrated with laughter.

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