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"Everyone get ready we are leaving in five" Mrs. Polly announced.

I was ready alright, I was wearing black tracksuits and black rubber boots in case something came at me.

Five minutes later we were carrying our notebooks and following the guides who were telling us everything they could about the place, I kept loosing track because I was seeing all these amazing things.

First it was a blue and black butterfly then a small frog which made me yelp in surprise making everyone laugh.

"something Is missing here" Emmet said looking at me from head to toe, I wanted to shrink into the stones beneath my feet "Oh I see it" he took off his black cap and put it on me then hurried forward to walk alone. I stood there for a while unable to move.

Why was he doing this to me? Did he have any idea how he affected me? Did he care?

After the tour we were back at the camping site and I felt bad because Kevin was trying so hard to divide his time between me and Happy because he didn't want me to feel deserted. I tried to assure him that I was fine alone and went into my tent.

I found Melissa's iPod and it still had about sixty percent battery life, I put on the XX and angels came up first, I listened to it on repeat.

Someone ought to come for me right? Why don't they all like me? What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have come here, I just wanna go home. A few tears fell as the night fell upon me and no one had bothered to come check on me and my chest burned from all the emotion I was holding back, I felt so helpless sitting in this tent and hiding from everyone.

I felt someone tug at my leg lightly and I looked up thinking it was Kevin but it wasn't. I yanked off my earphones.

"Emmet what are you doing here?"


"Come where?"

"You coming on not?" he asked disappearing from view, I quickly put on my boots and got out of my tent.

"I don't wanna go to the fire" I said noting that there were multiple fires scattered around with people around them.

He didn't say anything he simply wrapped his hand around my wrist and led me into the woods, I followed helplessly and I couldn't get over how soft his hand was. After walking for some time we reached a clearing where there was a huge rock that was flat, Emmet let go of my wrist and climbed up. I felt really cold after he let go. He helped me up.

"The view is beautiful isn't it?" I saw a hint of a smile on his lips, he wasn't wearing his aviators and I was afraid to look at him. What an idiot I am, I don't know what I want.

"It is" I said looking up into the sky, the stars were bright and the sky was a dark heavy navy blue. I found myself sitting next to Emmet on the warm rock.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"I don't know" he sighed. "Skylar?"


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I shrugged "I don't know me?"

"You are right" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand you, you are so nice and people like you –most people- and yet you sit alone in your tent"

"They don't like me" my eyes burned "And its fine I don't want them too"

"What does that mean?" he asked and I took a deep breath and steadied my breathing. "Skylar what does that mean?"

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