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I hadn't seen Emmet since we got back, I had been sending him messages but he wasn't responding Kevin was also gone but he had gone to his girlfriend for the weekend so I was left alone with my crazy thoughts.

I knew this would happen, he said all those things because he felt sorry for me, I had been trying to overlook it but it was so hard, I was checking my phone every other minute but nothing from him.

I took a bath and headed for the kitchen where I chose to do my yoga. Which lasted for five minutes. I still hated yoga because it was painful but I enjoyed the warrior pose and corpse, it wasn't much but it made me feel healthier, my love handles and belly were still here but hey, it had only been a day.

I took a sip of water and closed my eyes, all I could see was Emmet, it was like he was tattooed to my eyelids and mocking me. It hurt.

I drank more water to try and ease the knot in my throat but I just couldn't take it, Mandy had been right all this time, I was ugly and no one would ever want me. Tears ran down my cheeks. Especially not someone like Emmet. I mean Mr. O'Brian likes me and so does Sammy but it wasn't the same.

My parents love me, I don't understand why I'm so desperate to be loved by this stupid boy who doesn't care about me.

I tried to call my mom but the phone said something about the airplane mode which I then switched off remembering I had switched it on the day before I left for camp to save the battery for when I wasn't around to charge it.

My mom's phone rang and rang but she wasn't answering, it went to voicemail and I was crying hard when she called.

"Mom" I cried.


That is definitely not mom, my heart pounded painfully against my ribcage and I threw the phone into the sink, my hands shaking.

"Okay calm down, he probably wanted to tell you something that would upset you, you did the right thing" I don't know how long I spent standing in the kitchen trying to convince myself of that.

I paced around afraid to retrieve my phone from the sink, it kept vibrating and my heart was pounding when there was a light knock on the door, I stared at the door in horror. It's just mom, I told myself.

Then open the damn door, my subconscious said as the knock became more urgent. Kevin maybe?

I didn't need to open the door.


"Stay away from me" I threw a dishcloth at him and bolted for the seating room where he caught me "Leave me alone" I was almost in tears again as his grip around my waist didn't slacken.

"What's going on?"

"Leave me alone" I screamed trying to wiggle out of his grip, I ended up on the floor and I thought he would go away but in a flash he was hovering over me. I tried to fight my way out of it but he pinned me down and I couldn't move.

"What's going on?" he asked again and I started crying "Skylar please talk to me" his eyes were pleading, he really didn't know what was wrong.

"You don't want me do you?" I shook my head and looked away.

"Where is this coming from?" I couldn't see his face but he sounded confused.

"I haven't seen you in two days, no text, no call no nothing; you should have just told me that you made a mistake"

"You think I was ignoring you?" I turned my head to the other side, I didn't want him to see me crying "I wasn't" his hair tickled my face, I had never seen him with his hair untied.

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