Chapter 38 p2

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Have you ever been on a road trip?

This road trip thing is killing me I have no idea what the f I'm talking about but I'm trying okay, my imagination can only get me so far.

What is your take on road trips?

Don't forget to comment and vote;)


When I woke up we were on the road again and Bella was talking to Emmet.

"Emmet have you drank..."

"Yeah" he cut me off before I could finish, he didn't like talking about taking his meds.

"Hello to you too" Skylar.

"Oh hey Bella"

"You seem grumpy today" she said.

"I'm not grumpy, I just wanna cuddle"

"Oh okay come on then"

"Not with you, no offence"

"Fine! Emmet stop the car, I'll take the wheel"

"There no need for that, I can wait"

"No, I want to. Emmet stop the car!"

"Are you sure?"

"Stop the car right now you bozo, I am pregnant not disabled" she yelled clearly annoyed.

"Okay, sorry" Emmet stopped the car and came to the back while Bella took the wheel munching on some snacks and singing.

"I missed you" I whispered snuggling beside Emmet.

"Aww babe I've been here the whole time, I'm not going anywhere" but you are, I wanted to say.

"I know" my voice cracked a little.

"Skylar" he tipped my chin up so he could see my face and my eyes gave me away "What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy when I'm with you" I said and a few tears fell.

"You promised me no sad, sad"

"These are happy tears" I buried my face in his chest "You need a shower" I said and he rumbled under me with laughter.

"So do you"

I fell asleep two times, when I woke up we were at the gas station and we ran to the bathroom with our toiletry bags.

"I don't know them" we heard Bella say as she came behind us.

"What are you doing here?" she yelped at the sight of Emmet.

"What do you mean?" Emmet looked at her confused.

"It's the girl's bathroom how am I supposed to freshen up?"

"Go to the males bathroom?"

"That's it, get out" she dragged him out and he tried to reach out for me but I was too busy laughing to help him.

Two girls came in the bathroom and gave us strange looks, I didn't care. The place was clean enough and I was not about to go another mile stinking.

"I heard about Mandy" Bella started.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Skylar I need to tell you something"

"That you were there the night that guy beat me up? I know I saw your bracelet. It doesn't matter, it's over now"

"I know but I'm sorry"

"Apology accepted now let us please leave it alone"

"Okay" she said and we went back to talking about important stuff, like what we were having for breakfast and guessing were we were going, I swear Bella knew but she played dumb with me.

I ran out in my clean underwear to the car and people were staring.

The car smelled all fresh and Emmet. I changed quickly and hopped into the front seat.

"Yoga pants? Come on babe, you know I can't concentrate when you were those" Emmet complained.

"Fine!" I went to change again and this time I put on some jeans. "Happy now?" I asked.

"You are still sexy but it's bearable now" he nodded a little biting his lip.

"Oh please" Bella rolled her eyes "Just turn on the music" we both laughed and I looked away blushing hard.

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