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It was seven thirty and Emmet was blasting ub40's the way you do the things you do. We were both singing along to the song, I put it on repeat until we arrived at school.

As soon as I stepped out of the car eyes were on us and it was even worse when Emmet draped his arm lazily over my shoulder.

"You enjoy being hated?" I asked him.

"I don't have to, it comes with the territory" he said it playfully in my ear.

"I don't like it" I said

"Babe, stop trying to be like them because you are not and that's okay" he said and I sighed.

"Where's Bella, I haven't talked to her all morning, does she even know we are writing? Maybe we should go by to her house to check on her, what if something happened to her, I mean she's pregnant and fragile right? She could be having a mental breakdown while I'm busy worrying about a stupid test"

"Babe calm down"

"Calm down, calm down? Are you crazy my friend..." before I could even finish he pinned me against the wall.

"You have two choices either you calm down on your own or I will finger you to calmness" he said in a low voice.

"I'm calm" I gulped.

"Good" he gave me a small smile and a peck on the lips.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To check on Bella"


"It's no prob babe" he left, oh how I liked it when he called me babe.

I fell into the class, like literally, someone pushed me and I fell inside.

"Oops!" Mandy said and went to sit down. I got up and bit back all the bad things I wanted to say, everyone was laughing and no one likes being laughed at, not even me.

The test went by smoothly, I managed to remember most of the answers and lunch came soon, Bella was at our table.

"Hey" I said sitting down, she had already bought the food.

"Hey, you look tired"

"I barely slept for two days"

"The test?"


"Don't worry, I think you will do..."

"Well what do you know the two sluts are back together" Mandy said and everybody in the cafeteria turned to look at us, I was definitely not in the mood for this, I was still mad about what she did in the morning.

"Go away Mandy" I said sounding as disinterested as I was.

"You are right, I don't want to be seen with the towns biggest sluts, that could damage my reputation" she said and I could see Bella was about to cry, I wasn't gonna cry I was just mad and tired and therefor highly irritable.

"You stupid bimbo, I am tired of your shit, you say nasty things about us again and I'll show you what a slut is" I shouted and I saw the surprise in her face.

"What did you say?" she slapped me and I smiled, the smile I usually have when I'm about to beat the shit out of you.

"Skylar don't do it, she's not worth it" Bella said and I knew she was right but I punched her anyway.

She cradled her jaw, disbelief clear in her face. I wasn't finished, I was not even close, I threw another punch and after that she ran, I didn't go after her I knew if I were ever alone with her I'd probably murder her and feed her to her friends for lunch.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" I shouted at the crowd looking at me, my hand hurt like hell and even though I'd been to a lot of fights I understood why you had to be really angry to punch things or people. That shit hurt like hell when you came back to your senses.

"There was absolutely no need for that" Bella said sounding calm, too calm.

I was about to answer her when I got a text and it seemed like everybody's phones started ringing and vibrating, there was a link in the text, the link led to a picture of a pig with its head replaced with mine, I didn't even bother to read what was on the speech bubbles, everybody was already laughing and gossiping about me.

"Skylar" Bella said with a gasp putting her phone down.

"Give me a moment" I gave her a tight smile "I gotta go, tell Emmet I went home" at this point people were starting to laugh at me.

I stayed in the toilet trying to figure out what I would do next, who would do this? Mandy was mean and hated me but would she really stoop to that level?

"Skylar?" I heard Bella's voice but I didn't answer "I know you are in there, I can see your feet"

I opened the door and came out. At least I was not crying. Yet.

"I don't wanna go out there" I said.

"I know but Kevin is looking for you and so is Emmet, he's going insane"

"I don't wanna see anybody right now" lie. I wanted to see Emmet, I wanted him to hold me and tell me it was gonna be okay.

"I didn't know what to say to them so I just told them I didn't know where you were"

"Thanks, Bells"

"They're just jealous, it will blow over"

"I know" I lied "I just need to get away for now" my phone vibrated for the thousandth time, it was Kevin, Emmet and a couple of messages from people I didn't know.

"I'll come with you" she said.

"No, you can stay, I just need to be alone for a while"

"Please call me if you need anything" she looked so worried.

"I will" I gave her a tight smile and sneaked out of the bathroom and walked home, I'd never walked so fast in my life, I didn't want to hear my thoughts I just focused on my thumping heart and tried very hard not to cry.

When I got home I was expecting to be alone but I found Emmet sitting at my door step.

"You should be in school"

"No, I should be here with you" that made my heart swell.

"I wanna be alone" I swallowed hard and brushed past him to open the door.

My phone vibrated again.


"Skylar I've been trying to get ahold of you, I saw the..." he seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Don't worry about it I'm at home, I'm fine" Emmet stood there watching me impatiently. I didn't wanna get off the phone, I didn't wanna have to face him.

"I'm coming to you right now"

"Really Kev I'm fine, stay in school, I'll see you later" I hung up.

"I'm sorry" he said.


"This is all my fault, I should have seen this coming" he shook his head.

"It's not your fault, you didn't do it"

"Yeah but I know that It was done because of me, see Skylar this is why I always stayed away from you, I didn't want this sort of thing to happen, you are a good person and you don't deserve this" I'd never heard him make such a long speech.

"It's whatever, I don't care about it anyway"

"Don't lie, I can see that you are lying" he took a step toward me.

"I'm not" I turned around and entered the house.

I threw myself on my bed and I heard him come in.


"Emmet I want you to go away now" please stay "I really need to be alone for a while" stupid mouth shut up!

"Skylar I..."

"Emmet if you really care about me you will leave" and so he did.

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