Chapter 37

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A lot of people were pouring into the asymmetrical silver building, you could see that these people were loaded with money, we were all getting ready to go watch the show. I was with my parents and Bella thanks god, I would have died without her.

My father was wearing an expensive looking tuxedo and but his hair was a little messy as usual. My mom wore a black silk dress that hugged her in all the right places, she looked so good it made me shiver a little. Bella wore a white summer dress that made her stand out from all the dark colored elegantly dressed people.

However, she did not stand out more than me though, I wore skinny jeans a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and Emmet's hoodie, overall I looked like a hobo. My dad thought it was funny my mom was furious, you could tell she was ashamed to be seen next to me so I grabbed Bella and let some sweet lady show us to our seats, we were in the front row. People filled in quickly and I was glad Emmet hadn't booked us seats next to my parents. I saw his dad and girlfriend and waved at them.

Soon the lights went out and the orchestra came on stage, the girls were all in black elegant dresses and the boys were wearing black tuxes when they were all settled someone else walked in, I could have sworn I heard the lady beside me huff a little, If I wasn't mistaken she was the coordinator of the whole thing.

The boy was wearing black slacks and his white shirt was untucked, the black tie loosened around his neck, it could have been Emmet but this boy's hair was short, not short, short but as in a faded hairstyle. I could have sworn it was not him because he was also wearing a mask covering half his face but I recognized the unruly crazy curls and then he smiled toward me and I knew it was him.

The music started and the room was deathly quiet, it was so beautiful that it raised goosebumps on my skin, I wrapped Emmet's hoody tighter around myself as the music continued to assault me, his solos were even worse, it was like I could feel everything, his anger, his frustration and for a little while there, there was a bit of happiness and then it was sad, so sad I couldn't stand it, it was too much, I wanted to run out and never look back but I continued to watch him play defiantly on that stage. In that moment I could have died and not minded at all.

When it was all over the orchestra came forward and they bowed a couple of times but I couldn't concentrate, I felt so messed up inside it was weird.

Bella was crying and so were a lot of people, I noticed as the lights came on and people were clapping. I promised Bella I'd be back and headed backstage and searched and searched until I spotted a door with Emmet's name on it, I knocked. I saw this girl that worked with him, that I had met before and we were basically strangers but we weren't really on good terms.

"He won't open" she said "He likes to be alone after performances"

"Emmet please open up, it's me" I ignored her and her mouth fell open when the door opened.

I got inside and Emmet locked the door again.

"I was..." I threw myself at him in a hug sobbing before he could even finish his sentence.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" his voice was soft and concerned which only made me cry even more "Shhh it's okay" he cooed pulling me closer.

"You were saying goodbye" I finally looked up at him and his hands cupped my face as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs careful.

"I was, I told I didn't want to perform anymore"

"No that wasn't it" I shook my head crying again "It was more than that"

"I'm gonna be here as long as I can" he kissed my forehead. I don't think I'd ever cried that much before in front of Emmet.

"I'm so scared" I cried sitting on the white couch in the room.

"I know" he sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him. "It's gonna be okay" his own voice broke and I knew it wasn't.

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