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Everyone ended up sleeping in the bus because Mrs. Polly thought it was not safe out there, I on the other hand slept in the jeep with Emmet.

"Well?" Emmet asked.

"My head hurts and my body aches" I groaned.

"Oh what will I ever do with you?" he kissed my cheek "I'll get you something for the pain"

"The kiss worked well enough" I said and he chuckled shaking his head.

He came back with some man who unwrapped the bandage on my head to clean the wound then gave me some pills and left.

Two hours later we were having breakfast and Mandy and her girls were devastated.

"Someone is conspiring against us" she had said and I laughed "It's you" she glared at me

"Oh please, look at me, I'm hurt" I pointed at my head "I fell and almost died remember?" I smiled sweetly at her and she looked away, guilt written all over her face. Bella looked at me and I stuck out my tongue at her, she seemed surprised.

I noticed my soldier girls in the crowd and we shared knowing smiles.

"Oh Kevin it's such a beautiful day isn't it?" I sighed and Happy stifled a laugh.

"You did that didn't you?" he asked and Happy laughed "You too?" he looked at her his jaw dropping.

"What the fuck?" someone yelled the multiple screams followed from girls.

"Oh my god it's so disgusting, who would do this?" one cried.

We all gathered by the luggage section and watched as Mandy and her minions freaked out some having blue hands oh and the smell? Priceless.

Some girls started crying and some boys were swearing. I started to feel bad.

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Polly said plucking her nose "Who did this?" she looked at us and the crowd was quiet.

"I know who did it" Bella spoke up looking at me and I glared at her.

"Who?" Mrs. Polly asked and Bella pointed at me, I cocked my head to the side and sighed.

"Oh miss Polly how could I have done all that when I'm hurt?" I said in a sweet voice.

"She's right" Mrs. Polly said "she couldn't have done it but we will find the culprit and in just so you know we are headed back home tomorrow morning and that would be all" she left and the crowd went mad.

My soldier girls followed me to the log where I had been sitting.

"What if we get caught?" the one with a squeaky voice asked. Now that I could see her face I could see that her voice suited her perfectly, she had these big brown eyes and a button nose and small mouth, she looked like a pixie.

"If we do I'll take the blame, I came up with the plan anyway" I shrugged.

"A very good one" Gwen grinned "I don't mind being caught and I won't deny it either, its time somebody showed those bitches that they aren't the boss of us" she said and everybody agreed.

"I like the spirit" I grinned "Now since we are leaving tomorrow you guys have to have a plan for today" they all scratched their heads trying to think of something.

"Um guys not to be rude but I'm still hungry so can we discuss this over breakfast?"

"Breakfast with you?" pixie said.

"Sure why not?" I shrugged.

"Cool" she said and they all went to grab their plates to sit with me.

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