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"You ready to go?" I asked jimmy. I don't know why I still had the urge to know where kevin live but I just did.

"Sure" he led me to his car and we drove for a long while before we stopped next to a blue house.

"This is it" jimmy said with a shrug.

"Oh you know what, I called him and he said he wasn't gonna be home until five so..."

"I'll drive you home then"

"That's very nice of you" I smiled and he shrugged. Ok its definitely a disorder or something along those lines.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you know where I live" I said as he pulled up next to my house and he shrugged "um ok thanks, bye" I got out of the car.

"Say hi to your mom for me" he shouted after me and winked when I turned to look at him.

Kids these days. I shook my head.

Mom made dinner today and we talked about my non existent social life, I also lied and told her that Mandy had invited me to her birthday party , I had expected her to yell or say no but instead she seemed proud of me which was kinda creeping me out.

I woke up in the morning to my phone ringing instead of the alarm.

"There better be someone dead" I croaked out.

"Meet me at the dinner afterschool"

"Emmett?" I asked surprised and he hung up.

Well, I'll feel offended when I wake up I told myself sleeping again only to be woken by the alarm not even ten minutes later.

As per usual I tried to shuffle out of bed and ended up flat on my stomach. I didn't know if falling so much was healthy but what I knew was that it did wonders for waking me up. Worked better than coffee.

I got to school early to hang out with Bella because she had a date with her boyfriend and so she wouldn't be able to hang out with me during lunch. She had tried so many times to convince me to come with her and we could all hang out but I just wouldn't feel comfortable in an environment of two lovers feeling awkward because of me. come to think of it I came to school early all the time because of Bella.

As much as I hated to admit it, lunch did suck when I was by myself and it was even worse when I bumped into Mandy.

"If it isn't Miss Trippytoes"

"I'm not in the mood for your shit Mandy get out of my way" I said sounding like I was bored, which I was.

"Just so you know you are not invited to my party"

"Don't care" I rolled my eyes moving around her only to have her grab my tray and spill my food.

"Oops!" she smiled disgustingly sweet and left.

I turned around and went to class, what was the point of going to lunch if you had no lunch to eat.

I was startled by Kevin when I got to class.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him catching my breath.

"This is where I hang out"

"By yourself?"

"You don't look like you have a companion either" he gave me a small smile.

"Well it's just for today" I looked away "I hope"

He was quiet.

"Oh yesterday you dropped your phone"

"May I?" he extended his hand.

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