Chapter 38

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Is anybody else out there spending way too much time reading fiction than doing real school work? I need help I can't stop writing and reading.

Don't forget to vote and comment ;)


Me and Bella had been going back and forth to her house and mine preparing for the road trip that our parents didn't know had an extra person. Bella was more than happy to keep quiet and sit in the background since we didn't have to use up the money we had saved for years to go on this road trip.

Kevin had moved back with his father so I had just come from their house to say goodbye before we left.

The car honked outside, it was a blue vw, our bags and food had already been packed in the trolley behind and I prayed to god my father didn't insist on checking things for the hundredth time and find Emmet's stuff in there.

"Be careful okay?" he kissed my forehead.

"I will" he was the only one seeing me off because my mom was in her bedroom angry as hell. Why? Nobody knew I went to her and said bye anyway then we took off.

We picked up Emmet at the coffee shop and he brought us both milkshakes. Bella went to the back and Emmet took the wheel I couldn't help but giggle like a small child at the thought of what we'd done. I drank my milkshake and Emmet held my other hand and I felt so special.

When we stopped at the gas station I threw away my milkshake cup and also took Bella's who was anxious for some good music. She had put the music together from all of our playlists.

"No more sad, sad okay?" Emmet said and I nodded then he planted a kiss on my lips and as usual I smiled like an idiot so he kissed me again "I like it when you do that" he murmured against my lips.

With the music blasting me and Bella sang along to most of the songs but she fell asleep as soon as the stars saw the sky so I was left with Emmet and we talked and laughed and talked some more and laughed it was all really nice.

Emmet stopped the car at the side of the road.

"Fire flies" I whispered sticking my face to the window.

"Wanna catch them?" Emmet whispered in my hear.

"Race ya?" I bolted out of the car and ran into the field that looked like it was filled with lavender like flowers and some others I couldn't really make out, I was too happy to care. It smelled great and with Emmet hot on my heels I was beyond happy. We ended up getting a blanket and watching the stars, swatting away insects everyone in while.

"You are not going to tell me where we are going?" I asked.

"Nope" he popped the P.

"You are not going to murder us aren't you?"

"I considered it but I would be bored all by myself"

"Hey did I tell you that Mandy is at a mental institution?"

"I'm sure she's pretending" Emmet scoffed.

"I don't think she is, my soldier girls told me that they had went to the police and gave them a video incriminating Mandy but there wasn't any proof so I had to go to the police station and give police the proof and a statement"

"A statement for what? What evidence?"

"Well someone had started sending me threatening letters, you know that they were gonna kill me blah, blah, blah..."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about this?" he sat up making me sit up also as I was laying on his chest.

"I didn't think it was a big deal, anyway Brian confessed that Mandy had sent someone to beat me up and one of her minions confessed to helping her with the internet thing. It's okay now though, the cyber team sorted it out. The minion and Brian got community service, Mandy had a mental break down, she's going to jail when she recovers. All of this happened in the four days you were gone, can you believe it?" I looked up at him and his jaw was tight, he was really angry. "I'm sorry" I tried to apologize but he looked away.

"Please don't be mad" straddled him and made him look at me "Please forgive me I'm sorry"

"I'm mad at you" he finally said.

"And I'm sorry" I gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'm still mad"

"Okay" I whispered kissing the croon of his neck, he groaned lightly. "Well I'll just go now" I tried to get up but he caught me and lay me down on the blanket. A mischievous smile played on his lips then he tickled me.

"Stop" I said in-between laughs "Stop" I laughed some more "Sorry" I cried out in laugher.

"Now I forgive you" he said and then lay beside me on his back, then he pulled me closer to his chest and I fell asleep.

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