Chapter 19

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(Ali's P.O.V)

"This is Ali, my best friend. Ali," Ava looks at me, her eyes full of guilt and if they could speak, I'm pretty sure they'd be saying 'I'm sorry',"This is my cousin, Haley Miller."

Haley Miller? Hmm, where have I heard that name before?

"You're introducing us because...?" Haley looks at me with a bored expression and I get an urge to slap her. Why is Ava being so calm and nice to her? If it were me I'd most definitely already be on top of her attempting to gouge her eyes out.

Again, with the violence. I seriously need to stop this.

"Ali is going to be living with us, too." Ava tells her.

"Oh," the dismay is evident in her voice, "well, is that all you wanted to tell me?" 

"Uh, yeah." Ava says awkwardly, twiddling her hair with her fingers, "well, see you later then."

"Ava make me some juice, I'm thirsty. And remember, no pulp this time," Haley demands in a bossy tone and this is enough to make me speak up.

"Can't you do that yourself? You do have legs after all." I hiss, trying to hide the anger in my voice but failing. Haley's eyes narrow at me and I can see rather than sense her anger. Her mouth scrunches up and I notice her hands turn into fists.

Don't back down Ali.

Just before the tension could get any thicker in the atmosphere, Ava's mom steps in just in time for me to not lose my cool and beat the crap out of Haley. Way to go, Clarissa.


"What did you think?" Ava asks me, nudging my arm with her elbow.

"She was just lovely," I don't think I could add anymore sarcasm to my tone. Ava laughs and I join her as we step into her bedroom.

"You really should clean up in here," I point out.

"I keep telling myself the same thing," she chuckles, dropping her weight onto her bed. I glance at the clock and notice that it's four in the afternoon. What time will Dylan pick me up? 

I decide it's probably best to ask him.

*What time will you pick me up?* 

His reply is almost instant.

*Around six, is that fine? Oh, and wear something fancy.*

Something fancy? I wonder idly where it is we'll be going. My initial thought was that Mrs. Scott would have cooked something in her own home. But I guess now we're going out for dinner.

"Ava do you have anything fancy?" I ask, briskly looking from my phone to my best friend.

"Why?" her tone is demanding and I know she isn't asking 'why do you want something fancy' but a more inquisitive 'where are you going and who with'.

"I'm meeting Ethan's parents tonight." I mutter sheepishly.

"What? And you didn't tell me this sooner because..." she cocks a brow up and gives me her explain-or-die look. Yes, my best friend can also be brutal at times. Maybe it's where I get it from, or she gets it from me. I don't really know.

"Do you have anything?" I ask again, ignoring her question.

"All of your clothes are already in the guest bedroom," she tells me and an instant feeling of relief washes over me. 

"Come, I'll help you get ready," Ava tugs at my hand and leads me in an unknown direction.

*It's great, I'll see you then x.* I quickly type my response to Dylan before I start to get ready.

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