Chapter 54- well that was eventful

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I wanted to have some fun and pull and epic prank. Now is my chance. But I'm going to need Bex's help. I put sleeping pills in Lana, Ginny, and Ari's coco so they are in a deep sleep. "Bex I need your help to prank them" I say really excitedly. "I thought that you would never do something naughty. What do you want me to do?" She says with a huge grin. I have some thick  string in my blue bag and I want you to tie their legs and arms together- Ginny's left arm tied to Ari's  right- Ari's left tied to Lana's right and tie Ari's right ankle to Ginny's left and Lana right attached to Aries left. Got it?" I sad in a hushed whisper. It was easy to tie them together because they were practice under a sleeping curse. We then moved them onto a big mattress and put them on the lake. We waited till morning. I got up extra early and woke up Bex so we could watch them wake up. They floated out past the middle of the lake. They were pretty far out but you could still see them pretty clear because the lake was pretty small. I made sure to get out my phone and record. OH my god this is going to be gold.
(Lana's POV)
I start waking up and something doesn't feel right. It's to bright out to be my bedroom. Oh that right. I feel asleep by the window. So I just relax again utill something seriously woke me up. I felt a huge wet splat on my face. I jerked up opened my eyes. "OH MY GOD" I yell. 1) I got pooped on by a bird 2) I am outside on the lake 3) WE ARE ALL TIED UP. Well my screaming woke up everyone. Ginny and Ari were so shocked that they flailed hard core and because we were all tied up we flipped the mattress and now we are in the freaking lake. We then scream for help because we are really far from land. But I look closely and see Bex and Jen on shore recoding this. Ari was crying and Ginny was still freaking out. We had to first untie each other and that took a good five minutes then we swam to shore like our lives depended on in. When we got close Ari screamed at the top of her lungs "JENNIFER MARIE MORRISON REBECCA LEIGH MADER I WILL DESTROY YOU IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO" I was to pissed to be proud of my line that she used. We got on land and we looked like we were going to murder them right there. Jen then put way her phone and ran into the house. We chased after them and doggie piled on them and sat on both of them till they gave up. We play fought and got them all wet because we were still soaked. After we got done those who got wet put on there best angry mom (Ari even did a good job) Jennifer Marie Morrison, you are going to go upstairs and stay in your room with out your phone. You are grounded until this trip is over. Ginny said clam but harsh. Jen just pouted and stood her ground. "Don't Make me count to three" Ginny said as if she was talking to Oliver. "1.......2.......thr-" she almost got to three but Jen just pouted her way upstairs acting like an upset 5 year old. I then slowly turn and look at Bex and raise an eyebrow. "Oh god not you to" Bex said while rolling her eyes. Right then I turn full Brooklyn. "Don't be giving me an eye roll. You are going to get your ass upstairs and join JMO." I say while having my hands on my *still wet* hips. "What are you going to do count to three" she said with the attitude of a pissed of teenager. " Oh no I'm going to count to two" I say with a smirk. Bex just looks baffled. I start speaking Spanish "Uno....Dos..." That's it I'm doing it Latina style. Ari looked at me because she knows what that means. I then take off my slipper and started semi lightly beating her as she ran around the house then up the stairs.
"What an eventful morning" Ari laughed.
(Ari's POV)
"Guys I have an idea to get back at them. "I'm listening" Lana said.ginny just nodded her head. "Ok how about we pretend to be hella pissed-" Lana gave me a look that says "watch your language." "I mean pretend to be very mad at them and make them practically beg for mercy. Then when we get back or if the time seems right we attack them with hugs and kisses.

(Ginny's POV)
For the rest of the day we acted completely mad and barely takes to them. Yes, it was hard because I am bad at keeping secrets but I pretended that it was a roll I was playing. They both tried to apologize but we blew them off. Well we are finally on the road back home and lest just say that Jen was apologizing so much and Bex did more of a whiney apology but it was still cute.

- time laps to when they are back at Lana's-
"Lana you HAVE TO forgive me I'm so so sorry and I feel awful how long will you hate me! I'm so sorry! Ari? Ginny? I say pretty much begging. They justlooked at each other nodded their head as stared at me. Be for I knew it Lana jumped in my arms and she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug. I saw that Ari jumped into Bex's arm and did the same. Gin was just taking a picture. " we were kidding we forgave you the mouth you went up to the rooms." Ginny said with a smile. "So you were kidding when you said I was grounded" I said with a laugh". She just had a smile and said "nope you still are so give me your phone you can have it back tomorrow night ." That's the one problem when you live with your tv parents over the hiatus. I look at Ari with a face that says "help" but she just laughed.

Oh what a crazy bunch we are, but I wouldn't trade them for anybody else in the world.

I am having so much fun with this! I hope you all are to! Side note- who knew that writing would help relax me with all that is going on so I will be writing as much as I can:)

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