Thursday 31st August

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4.03 pm

So mum came into my room today and told me that when she was younger and went to Hogwarts, she wrote a diary documenting her day, and she handed me this, so i thought why not? I’m going to annoy everyone with my thoughts and actions! So my first day at Hogwarts will be in tomorrow and to tell you I’m excited is an understatement! So my name is Lyra Thompson and i have big green eyes and long sandy blonde hair. I am eleven years old as of June the 26th. i hope I’m not the youngest in my year. My cousin James is starting this year. so at least i know one person right? But he is so annoying, well so am i so there we go but, shhh. So mum says not to make this boring but honestly, how could i be boring, it’s me! i mean who else can write in a diary while riding a broomstick?

'Get off your broomstick now young lady, and don't be so stupid. You'll get hurt'

Yeah, so that was mum attempting to stop me. But honestly its not like I’m going to get hurt.


i stand corrected, i kind of fell off my broom and was unconscious for three hours... and then when i woke up the first thing mum said was

'That was not how I meant when i told you to get off your broom.'

Well she could have been more specific.


I’ve decided to kidnap a unicorn, train it to eat humans, train it not to eat me, and send it after my mum... she made me have a foul tasting potion to make me hurt less.... grrrr, of course that would be easy, i kidnap unicorns all the time and train them to do stuff for me, its my hobby. and for the farming profit, they are very good at herding sheep and also great handlers of alpacas...


lying in bed i know shock and horror, but its Hogwarts tomorrow! i wonder what house I’ll be in, if I’m in slytherin i may go and make a home with the giant squid in the black lake... i heard he's very friendly, I’d call him mr muffin and he would be my mr muffin. i wonder if i could train him to drown me.


Probably not


i want a muffin now


Just checked the house and there are no muffins, i just died a little inside. But on the plus time on my adventure to the kitchen i saw mr. across the road get knocked down by his great Dane, serves him right, he's ugly.


I'm going to sleep now, Holy hippogriff I’m excited to go to Hogwarts...

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