Monday 12th January

1K 18 9

8.50 am

I was slowly making my way to potions, honestly it is the most dreadful subject, a real bore, i walked in slowly and sat down at a desk hitting my head on the table,

Snape walked past me and tapped my shoulder, at the time i hadn't known it was him, so i had spun round and flipped onto the floor emitting a loud 

'Oomph' i groaned and sat back down, i looked around and saw Yeti laughing into his potions book, which he has graffitied all in, not cool.

9.00 am

professor sluggywuggy hornyworny came into the room in all his great walrus-ness

'Class today you are going to be working in pairs', excited chatter filled up the classroom, 'which i will be choosing' every one groaned

'Don't be a boob' i said loudly

'Now now, Lyra' He said his stomach bouncing each time he spoke, i hadn't realised this, i turned my head to the side, it was rather entertaining 'Enough complaining, it will only be for today, and i'm mixing up the two houses as well' 

More groans erupted

'Everyone grab your things and stand up at the front of the room, as i call your names go and sit down with your partner' Honestly, why does he think this is a good idea? all i will do is try to blow up my potion to see what will happen to my partner.

'Zacharias Buck with Leslie Sparrow' he called out as two people walked to the desk he pointed at

'Dylan Long with Kia Chase' two more rather annoyed looking people walked off

'Evan Rosier with Barry Parker'

'Susan Goole with Bert Crabbe'

'Carrie Torban with Tabitha Steele'

'Lyra Thompson with Violet Parkinson' I groaned and walked to the desk i was put in, i greeted the desk with my face

' Severus Snape with Esmeralda Fisher' he continued, Snape sat next to me, i face palmed the desk harder.

'Xeno Lovegood with Tara Barrington'

'Humfry Wilkes with Jacob Shipton' and then finally the last two took their seats

'and finally Selene Coverelli with Ivory Fannon' he finished off his list and put it on his desk.

 9.50 pm

we were all set to make a vanishing potion, apparently it was difficult, but you know, i doubt it. Which ever pair's work was best would get a vial of the potion, i just want to blow up Violet.


i succeeded, i put a daisy root into it and it began to bubble ridiculously and then exploded, luckily i was under the table so i didn't get hit with it, she came up covered in boils and turned a faint blue colour, it also got on Esmeralda so both of them had to go to the hospital wing, unfortunately meaning i had to help Snape with his potion.


'Don't touch it Lyra' he said slapping my hand away

'Why?' i asked crossing my arms

'Because i don't want to end up in the hospital wing, thanks' he said slapping my hand away again as i tried to pick up a knife

'But i want to help' i argued

'just sit there, Lyra' he said adding a cut up Caterpillar

'but-' Snape turned to face me and looked at me right in the eyes, i stared at him

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