Monday 9th October

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4.30 am

It's been 36 hours since i was lost in the forest with tiffany, do you have any idea what it is like being alone with tiffany lost for 36 hours? i actually want to strangle someone, prefrebly her, i will now never be able to look at a spoon or mustard the same way again. We got lost, and i think we may be in the forbidden forest, we've been walking for seven hours and i'm so hungry i could eat two trains, and a hippogriff. but the trees are thinning and i think the forest may be ending. then we can get help

5.10 am

we are sitting on the steps to hogwarts, covered in mud, paint and a little bit of blood from where i fell over many tree roots, puffy was now brown and sticky and was lying on my shoulder, lovely. the forest did thin and it turned out we were in the grounds of hogwarts. we were back at last, and just in time for lessons, Yippee

Tiffany was going on and on about Pickle and how he hadnt been fed in ages, i looked at her as if she was crazy, which she is.

'Tiffany the last thing we saw of pickle, was when he was dragging a giant spider under your bed' she just looked confused. i rolled my eyes at her, Merlin she needed profesional help, when she has finished hogwarts i'm taking her to st mungo's. we spent about twelve hours up a tree because it was too scary on the floor, and it was the worst weekend of my life. i never want to go to hogsmead again.

And to top it all off, the doors are closed so we have to wait until seven to get inside, but it was ok at least we were out of the forest, and not terrified of giant spiders attacking us, although i think pickle has scared them for life.

i wonder if people knew we were missing?, if not i'll be pissed.

7.01 am

the doors opened and me and tiffany flew into the building, and ran straight into the great hall, the people who were inside the hall stopped eating and stared at us,

'Why are they staring?' tiffany asked

'Maybe because we are like blue chickens that have been run over?' i said to her rolling my eyes, i walked off to the ravenclaw table and saw snape staring at me, i was tired and wanted sleep, i hadn't slept in

36 hours, and i think i'm having a nervous breakdown


there are ten very wrong things happening at the moment

1. i havent eaten or slept for 36 hours

2. there are spoons everywhere and i want to stab someone with one,

3. i look like a blue chicken that has been run over

4. snape has a rather nice peice of toast on his plate and i'm hungry

5 im about to walk past snape

6 everyone is staring at me

7 i can hear tiffany telling marie about a new spoon she wants to make

8 i cant find a spork to attack her with

9 i don't think anyone knows we were missing

10 i'm hiding under the slytherin table with snapes toast, yum

7. 12

'Lyra?' snape asked looking under the table

'Hmm' i said, why couldnt he leave me alone with the toast, we are having an intimate moment

'where have you been for the last two days?' YAY they did know we were missing i jumped up but hit my head on the table i rubbed my head and crawled into a ball, i was so tired. snape continued to stare under the table, i finished the toast and snape passed me annother piece, at the moment he is my best friend, i have a great taste huh?

i wrapped my arms around my legs and began to rock back and forth, remembering what had happened for the past 36 hours,

'Spoons, mustard, potato, spoons, mustard, potato-' i mumbled

'What happened to you, you look awful?' snape asked

'Have you ever been lost for 36 hours with tiffany?' i asked he shook his head

'You're so lucky, so, so lucky' and then i fell asleep.

7.30 pm

i woke up, i was in the hospital wing, snape was sitting next to the bed with lily, they were both reading, Tiffany was in the bed opposite me, i looked around and sat up slightly, i looked down at myself and realised i was clean and so was puffy, wow, thats odd.

i heard a noise from behind me and the door opened and a giant spoon walked in, i screamed and hid under the sheets, when i peeped back out james ws staring at me oddly, did i just think james was a spoon?

well he acts like a spoon, and not the shiniest spoon in the cutlary draw either....

i shook my head, what was wrong with me, i opened my eyes and the spoon was back, but it wasn't alone, it had mustard, i screamed again but was silenced by a hand, it was the mustard. i blinked and then saw that the mustard was sirius, i whimpered. i was seeing a nightmare...... i looked around desperatly, madam pomfrey came in, looks like snape had gotten her when i woke up

'Whats wrong dear, young snape here says your screaming' she asked me, they will think i'm crazier than usual, my lip trembled

'Spoon, mustard' i said shaking, i was having a nervous breakdown i knew it.

'Give her a sleeping draught, she's experiencing helucinations'

'Spoon, mustard' i said into my hands,

'POTATO'S' tiffany shouted in her sleep

i screamed and tried to get out of the room, i was pinned to the floor and forced to have a potion, and then i felt sleepy.

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