Tuesday 19th December

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10.00 am

it was the day everyone was going home for christmas, i however was to be spending it with aunt clarissa and her three hundred geese in the garden making it impossible to go into the garden for fear of loosing limbs. on the good side, i was seeing my mentally retarded brother, we're so similar, not that i'm mentally retarded... but anyway, i'm cooler than him.

 11.00 am

the train is on its way, there is seven of us squashed into a six seater compartment Marie stayed at school for christmas, she said she'd be ok, she had better be or she will have words when i return, at the moment i'm lying on the luggage rack, it's rather comfortable... i may go to sleep...

12.30 pm

so i woke up being soaked by a ton of water, the boys seemed to think this was halerious. I chased them down the train .... twice..

 and it has only just hit me, i still have not eaten this train! damn.

12.43 pm

five things are very wrong in this compartment.

1. The Yeti has just walked in with Lily

2. James has his wand out

3. I think i have a trunk embedded in my....

4. Pickle has made himself comfortable on my bladder so i really need a wee

5. Snape has grown some odd tenticles all over his face


i jumped down from the luggage rack, sending pickle flying, he landed on james and started clawing hishead, well that was a lucky shot, i walked out of the compartment and saw Snape and Lily desperatly trying to get rid of the tenticles

 'hang on if you use the wrong spell it'll make them worse' i said coming up behind them

'How would you know?' snape asked me

'I did that spell to James once at a christmas holiday, it was rather funny, everyone tried to get them off him but with every wrong spell they grew, they were about a mile long before uncle Harold managed to clear them' i said chuckling, that went into full on hysterics

'LYRA!' snape shouted, i calmed down a bit

'Yes?' i asked 

'Take them off me, please?' snape asked

'Well, since you said please' i held my wand to his face and muttered a spell, the tenticles grew i snorted

'Lyra, please tell me you know the spell' Lily begged

'Of course i do, i just wanted my fun' i said smiling

'Just get them off me' snape muttered through gritted teeth

'Well now i'm not to sure i want to' i said folding my arms

'Please?' snape asked, i held my wand out and muttered another spell, the tenticles seemed to melt into his face

'Thanks lyra' Lily said though a sigh, i shrugged and then pulled a ninja pose

'Ravenclaw to the rescue' i shouted and then ran back to my compartment and sat on tiffany

'Why hello there' she said creepily, i looked at her weirdly and she smiled innocently

'Hey' i said in a suggestive mannor, she grinned

'Where did you go?' she asked

'Just sorting out a slippery problem' we both burst out laughing

5.55 pm

almost there, we are just pulling into the station. cant wait to go to aunt clarissa's. oh wait, yes i can. we all got our trunks down and began to walk to the carriage doors, the train stopped with a lurch that made us all nearly go flying, Puffy looked at me from my shoulder

'I had better put you in a cage because muggles arent used to blue flying ferrets'i said cooingly to him

he gave me a 'Really?' look befor getting in the wicked wicker basket i made for him. the doors opened and we walked out onto the platform, i looked around and spotted Hector running towards me

'Hectormoron, how i've missed you' i said as he hugged me 'Not'

'hey!' he said acting offended i smiled 'I just used effort to come over to you and that is what i get?'

we both laughed

'Lyra?' he said after a minute

'Yeah, littlest brother?' i replied

'Clive and mum are here'

'no geese?' i asked

'No geese' he said smiling, i jumped up and down happily

'Oi smelly?' tiffany called

'What is it smellazoid?' i said turning to her

'I'll see you after christmas'

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