Friday 6th October

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i woke up this morning feeling cold, puffy had stolen my blanket and was tearing it to shreads, i'm so proud of my little angel, i had made him a little basket and he sleeps in it, sometimes, usually he cuddles up to me, but last night i drooled on him, and i think he's gettin payback. i'm in my dormitory now, and i'm having a stare off with the purrrrrverted cat who is sitting on susan's bedside table, i've also found out that the other two girls in my house are called Billie and Dorothy. they gossip all the time and it's almost as annoying as susan's snoring. i sent puffy to get her blanket, he did and is now eating it, Well done, you little monster you!!

7.00 am

i am having a lecture from susan

'Take that damned thing out of here, i didn't get a wink of sleep because of it' she said scowling

'Well you obviously did because you were snoring an aweful lot' i retorted

'I was not!'

'what ever you say snorebag' i skipped off down the stairs and met dylan

'Hello dylan softhair, how are you on this fine morning?' i asked smiling

'Err, everything is fine, but i have two questions, number one, what is that on your shoulder?' he eyed puffy suspiciously

'This is puffy my skyepuff, and you're second question?'

'what are you wearing?' i looked down and realised i was still wearing my llama top that said 'Riding off on my llama to the land of sleep' i blushed and ran to the stairs, dylan was laughing at me, a gave him the middle finger, i got into my uniform and platted my hair quickly before coming down the stairs, i then jumped on dylans back

'Onwards llama, for the land of sleep awaits' he laughed and carried me into the great hall, hurray for laziness!


i was sitting at my table with selene and dylan, i think dylan is slightly afraid of selene, i can't imagine why though.


the day at school was reallly boring, and tomorrow the older students get to visit hogsmead, i really want to go, i'm going to try to sneak there, i've been coming up with a plan all day, its fool proof. i think.


i was sitting in the hall when snape came in. i had a plan that included the love potion i was given. i walked over to snape and crossed my arms and stood there, he stopped talking to the person and looked at me

'What is it lyra?' he asked

'Because of you i have a really big bruise on my shoulder, so i'm going to give you a bigger one, i punched him in the shoulder, he slid of the table and i slipped the potion into his drink, i ran off back to my table, which in all honesty was about four steps away, i hid behind dylan and watched as snape took a sip, the next thing i know snape has lept across the table at a slythering sixth year announcing his love for her, i don't think i've ever laughed so much in my life, until she ran off screaming with snape chasing her, i laughed so much i had to run to the toilet before i wet myself.

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