Monday 18th September

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5.30 am

Haven't slept much, mainly because i've spent the night with Marie and tiffany, in the hufflepuff room, i've been so tempted to chase them all, i just need to find a spork. so i'm guessing you want to know what happened last night.

well when we were so rudely interupted we looked over to the door, and there stood James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. James was angry because we had found his room, and also stolen his tie, Marie was awfully silent the whole time, she kept staring at one of them, i'm not sure who, i'll work it out though. Tiffany had hid under a pile of ties, so i was left to deal with it.

'Why are you in our room?'

'it's not your room'

'is too'

'Is not'





we carried on like that until i was jumped on by sirius black who pinned his hand over my mouth.

'Sirius, Seriously get off me or you'll be in serious pain' i mumbled into his hand, he didn't so i elbowed him in his gut.

he got off then, we basically found out that the room changes, like we walked out the boys opened it and it was different, we were there until about midnight. walking in and out thinking of crazy things, and opening the door again, i liked my waterfall one, i chucked sirius in it, and he got soaked so then we decided to go to bed.

so now we are back to me lying in here trying not to chase hufflepuffs with sporks.


It's actually nice not to wake up to snoring, i may come and live in the hufflepuffs room. it would be fun. although i would prefer a bed, the floor is a bit cold and hard.

and now all the hufflepuff's are trying to find their ties, it's amusing to watch.


Tiffany has let me take pickle for a walk, i have him on a lead and he's dragging me along the corridor, He's hissing and spitting and scaring other first years, it is amusing to watch, even if i'm watching from the floor where i'm being dragged.

i also think pickle has a little thing for mrs norris, which is wrong, so so wrong,

i got a letter from mum this morning, apparenatly she has a new boyfriend and is going to go away to berlin with him, i bet he is big fat an ugly like the last seven, with a big beer belly and i bet he snores worse than Susan. and is called Borris or something. she didn't say infact her letter was rather simple

'Hello Lyra,

I am alive, incase you were wondering, i have a new boyfriend and we are going to berlin for three months, stay at hogwarts for christmas, unless you have a friend, which i doubt,

 scarlett thompson'

I feel so loved, NOT


i'm still annoyed she thinks i don't have friends. however i'm now happy as pickle bowled a group of seven girls over, they are were all on the floor. in a big pile, groaning. HA

i got to the entrance hall, or should i say i slid on my belly to the entrance hall, and have a very attractive bruise on my chin from being pulled down the stairs, did you know they were marble? my chin does.

i wasn't looking forward to the rest of the day, i felt like something bad was going to happen, that sort of funny feeling of dread, and i just know i will either end up dead, sevearly injured or very very embarrassed, i'm hoping for the former, or is it latter, hmmm i'll ask Marie

'Marie' i wined at her

'yes lyra?'

'What is better the former or latter of this sentence'

i cleared my throat

'by the end of the day i will end up dead, sevearly injured or very very embarrassed'

'The former of course, then everyone will have peace, and i won't have to keep hiding the spork i keep in my trunk'

'You own a spork?'

She nodded, i now love her. she's my new pet. so i turned to tiffany

'What do you think, former or latter?'

'Neither' she stated

'Oh?' i asked interestedly

'You'll be sevearly injured'

'I will, how?'

'By that quaffle heading towards your head'

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