Friday 29th September

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1.30 pm

i opened my eyes groggily, is that a word? light blinded me i groaned and rolled on to my side, falling out of the bed in the process, hang on bed? where am i? my vision came back steadily  and looked in to the faces of sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew but also my hufflepuffs.

before my eyes sirius shrunk about 3 foot pulling a weird look, looking constipated, am i dreaming? but then i noticed him holding his shin and tiffany giving him a death glare, if looks could kill, he'd be incarserated and not in a good way.

'good day, my fellow pupils, it's absoultly smashing and spiffing to see all my dodgy aquaintences and lovely, amazingly fluffy and not to mention sexy hufflepuffs'

thats is when i looked around and saw i was on the floor of the hospital wing, in the bed oposite me sat james all cut up and bruised looking like a two year old pouting, with his arms crossed, and in the bed next to me was


pickle was covered in bandages and looking sorry for him self, he hadn't touched his saucer of cream. sirius looked guilty, i looked around again and saw snape asleep on the chair next to my bed, i frowned and stared at him, then stood up sat on my bed knees crossed hands on them, looking buisness like, waiting for an explination.

i looked at them all, they all looked at me. i cleared my throat

'Is anybody going to fill me in?'

Tiffany growled and kicked sirius again, before sitting on the bed and then hissed to sirius

'See, Don't like it when it's you do you?'

'Why am i in the hospital wing, and why do i hurt so bad?' i whined

'Lyra don't freak out' Remus stated biting his lip, now i want to freak out, damn you remus!

'Wait, Wait! Lyra' Peter had stepped forward twitching but looking hopeful 'can you tell me that cheese board song again, i really liked it, and i would love you to sing it to me, i really love cheese'

Six people groaned in the background and my mouth went wide, did he just, no i must have imagined that, Right?

'Am i going loco? because i could have sworn he just-' i began but snape cut me off, oh he was awake now

 'You were already loco, lyra. But, yes he just did' Snape facepalmed himself.

'Ignoring the cheese monster here, i want to know what happened, and i want it to begin at the beggining, i want to know everything'

snape spoke up first

'It's Friday the twenty ninth of september' and that is when i fainted.

i woke up to six people calling my name





'I want to know the cheese board song'

and then there was someone stroking my arm, i looked down at my arm and followed the hand up to see snapes face, u pulled back my arm too much and fell off the bed again, a few of them hid laughs, i stood up and sat on the bed again. crossing my legs once more,

'Ok, so i've been unconsious for a week and a half, what else how, who, what, when, where, why'

'so i was just sitting outside casually reading a potions book' snape said sitting down on the chair

'as usual' james butted in

'Shut it' i said sticking my tounge out at him

'When i was asulted by those lot, who happened to be playing with a quaffle, and well i went to walk away from them, when james decided to throw the quaffle at me' he gave james a dirty look, before changing it into a smirk  'but i have to say, your aim is awful'

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