Monday 4th September

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6.37 am

eugh, i now hate ravenclaws and them wanting to learn all the time its getting on my nerves. I mean really 6.30? they woke me at 6.30. classes start at 9! they should have let me sleep i could get ready in 10 minutes.


going back to sleep


ahh all refreshed and ready to go, soon my way to the great hall and i'm guessing it wasn't the best thing to be writing at the same time because i bumped into Remus lupin,

'sorry loopy' i say to him as peeves flew past

'loony loopy lupin' he calls i laughed I'm not sure Remus was too happy with me.


 i ran in to the great hall and grab a piece of toast and my schedule for the day


got transfiguration with the slytherins, but i have no idea where it is


ok i'm starting to panic, i mean no one is anywhere the halls deserted!


Walked down a corridor and bumped into Snape, we both asked at the same time

'do you know where transfiguration is?'

we both laughed and went to find it together,


i broke the silence between us it was more awkward that the awkward turtle now that's awkwardly awkward! i said

'i am sorry about punching you, you know?'


but i'm not calling this off because quite frankly i would rather snog a donkey than filch!'

'i'd rather snog a beaver'

'like the hufflepuffs?'

'thats a badger'



'recon we're near the transfiguration class?'

'i think that's it there'

so yeah it was still quite awkward....


we were right on time, and we saw goggles turn from a cat into herself, personally if i were her i'd stay as the cat... but i still clapped, you know to be polite. she did some random speech on getting to know transfiguration, but i did a doodle of a squid and me swimming in the lake, i have a hula skirt on, because i can. i animated it and sent it to James.


he threw it in the bin. This means war!


class ended and its break now, i'm sitting up a tree by the lake. no one knows i'm here. James and his friends are below. i'm listening in because i can.

its going a litttle like this

'so that red head' Sirius said seriously because he is always serious and seriously cool, i'm serious, well actually he's Sirius but lets not point fingers now!

'yeah isn't she lovely'  James had a really mushy face on he looked a little constipated, oh wait that's how he normally looks, ignore me.


 i chose that moment to fall out of the tree. ok so maybe i fell. and maybe i'm a little clumsy and maybe i landed on Sirius. ok so i did land on Sirius so i said to him

'that was seriously fun,  seriously Sirius, you should try it, i'm serious' he laughed as i rolled off him

james rolled his eyes

'actually i'm Sirius, seriously!' that's when we both couldn't stop laughing.


lessons were BORING that stands for KILL ME NOW well it looked right when i wrote it down in history of magic... although i recon i was hallucinating a lot in that lesson i mean i swear at first he came through a wall, teachers aren't supposed to do that, and then i swear a flamingo ran around the room and was i a horse for a bit, oh yeah that was my fault... i sent a note to Snape saying

'run around the room in 5 seconds i'll transfigure you and see if he notices'

so he did and the ghost man  didn't notice, Snape made me do it too turned me into a horse, i ran round and made horsey noises and i still don't think he noticed.... hmm interesting


eating dinner feeling bored so I turned Snape's hair Blue, i recon it suited him. made a new friend at dinner he's called Dylan, he's in my year. he has brown hair blue eyes and a flicky fringe his hair is kind of wavy, and its all soft. i asked him what shampoo he used and he said,  Wizard essence the shampoo with a twist, turns into whatever flavor you so wish and counters to your needs. i couldn't stop laughing. but i have an idea.....


time for beddie bies me thinks, pip pip cheerio, hip hop and away i plop,

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