Monday 2nd March

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8.30 am

It is ridiculous, Johnny and i are under attack, yes attack.

Snape has decided that our bet from first year is back on, and he's taken it to a whole new level, he's even sending spells and such when no-one is around, this is no longer a dare, it's gone personal and i do not like it one bit, Johnny and i have been in Lyra's layer at least twice a day for the past two weeks, Poppy hates me more than usual.

'Back again, child' She sighed as i limped into the hospital wing after being attacked by a niffler that the Socially enept and very vicious yeti had put in my room, how i'm not sure, but he knows that animals are attracted to me, this one just tore me apart.

Snape is dead now. Ive had enough of his mindless pranks.

9.00 am

I was carried into the Hospital wing yet again after falling down the stairs, this had nothing to do with the yeti, but still. How unlucky can i get?

Johnny is lying in the hospital bed next to me.

'What happened this time?' i asked him

'Frrrr blurrr thinnnn' he said trying but failing to talk, he just groaned and fell back onto his pillow

'Oh, For goodness sake, I may have to ban you from the hospital wing' Madam pomfrey said walking out of her room

'Well that would be very stupid' I mumbled

'I'm not so sure it would anymore' she sighed, walking over to me and seeing what was wrong

'Well it would because you'd get thrown out, because lets face it, i'd die in a pool of air' i sighed

'Shame it's true' she said walkiing over to a cabinate i heard her mutter 'i could always kill her off and make it look like she was being clumsy again'

I stared open mouthed at her back, johnny sniggered. I glared at him.


i was let out of the hospital wing, i had fractured my knee and wrist, but they are good now. I just hoped that sevvy would leave me alone for the rest of the day, i got some bad news at twelve.

Clive and Mum want Hector and I to come 'Home' that is not my home. never will that be my home.

'Lyra' came a voice from behind me, it sounded menacing and intimidating

'I'm not in the fudgestickles mood, yeti, so just get the hell away from me'

'what will you do, because you haven't retaliated yet, just to warn you, but this won't be stopping anytime soon' he said coming closer to me, trying to seem threatening

'look, i've had enough of your cruel pranks, first year was different, no one got seriously hurt, just our pride, now i'm in the hospital wing every day, just leave me the hell alone, i don't want to see your face, And just as i was thinking you were my friend' I said shaking my head and leaving a shocked looking Snape standing in the corridor, before turning the corner i stopped and looked back

'What did you do to Johnny?' i asked

'Made a babbeling potion' He said smirking

'Leave him out of this' I replied clenching my fists

'I don't think i want to' He said

'What the hell is wrong with you Snape, you disgust me' i said turning around

'Your face disgusts me' He called back

'Bloody barbaric blithering bum of a banshee's baboon breeding breast bag' i muttered turning the corner, then out of sight i transformed into marmite, that's my name for myself when i'm a marmoset. You either love me or you hate me right?

i jumped on puffy and we went out for a fly.

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