Friday 13th February

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Snoring Susan still freaking snores, i swear it has gotten worse as well, she's like a miniature bloody snoreniff, a creature Tiffany and i found in a book in the library, it snores all the time, even when it is awake. it looks like a poo on the bottom of a shoe... gross and squishy...

'How do you put up with it so much?' Tiffany mumbled into her pillow, her and Marie were staying with me in the Ravenclaw dorm room

'This is why i sleep in the common room or your room' I grunted back

'Stop her' Marie said her head muffled due to the pillow on her face.

'I can't you know why? because it's Friday the 13th and i'm not getting out of bed' i replied

'Why?' Marie asked pulling the pillow from her head

'Imagine me on a normal day, now imagine me on an unlucky day' i replied

'well, you'd die' Tiffany said

'Hence me staying in bed all day, i can guarantee that Hector will do the same, we always just sit together at home and do nothing, being clumsy is a curse sometimes' I said as i heard an alarm go off.

9.00 am

It would be classes, but the three of us have got the 'Flu'... yes we are 'ill'

'So shall we have a girly chat?' Tiffany asked

'Sure' Maire replied

'Ok, so Marie when are you going to ask Remus out?' i asked, she went bright red

'I'm not asking him he has to ask me' she said 

'Tiffany, we have a challenge, just not today' I said

'Of course, now are there any sharp items in this room?' She asked me

'Yes' i replied

'which are?'

'Pump Misty Mew Cracker Pickle Turtle and Purrrverted cat that i may name herbert, herbert the pervert. yes' I said thoughtfully

'true, but i'm not throwing them out of the window, well maybe Herbert. Look at the look he's giving me its really disconcerting'

'Yes, he does that. Just wait until he meows' i said throwing a bit of paper at him, he followed it and began to 'kill' it. Stoopid perve.

 'so Lyra, when are you going to ask Johnny out' Marie asked me smugly

'Touche' i mumbled as i turned scarlet

'well?' She persisted

'if he asks, i'll say yes, but i'm not doing the asking' I replied

'understood' Marie nodded just as a knock sounded from the door, sounding a little like

knock knock


knock knock


knock knock

'come in' i screamed

Hector walked in grinning, followed by Lucas and Johnny

'Sorry Lucas, Selene has gone to class, she said Friday the thirteenth is the best day to see wrocklehunts, sometime i wonder if she drinks' Tiffany said thoughtfully

'drinks loony potion' Hector agreed

'loonyade' Marie agreed,

'We so should try and create that potion' i said happily

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