Monday 11th September

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11.00 am

I may have blown up my cauldron in potions, and i may not have eyebrows anymore, ok so i deffinatly do not have my eyebrows, i hope they come back soon, ohh well, i'll cover them with my fringe 

12.30 am

it was post time and an owl flew at me and knocked me off the table, it hurt. a few people laughed at me, So i gave james my most evil look He was laughing alot. Stupid cousin, and then walked out of the great hall, my head held high, and pretended i didn't just almost fall on my face as i tripped over the air, i was seeing if i could fall over nothing, totally planned, i can. and then i was walking up the marble staircase when i bumped into tiffany

'i have the afternoon off, do you?'

'Yup' i replied and grinned at her,

'You know you don't have eyebrows?' she stated, i pouted. state the obvious?, right well i can do the same, HA

'You know you don't have any marbles' i replied looking smug

'Lyra, i think we're being followed'

we were walking through a random corridor,i mean i think we may be lost, i wasn't payin attention to where we were going, i turned around, ninja style. there was nothing there.

'Maybe it's flipperpuff's' i said with wide eyes and a stalkersh smile on my face, i'm attractive...

'I think it's the hobbits, they wonder around the castle'

'Don't you mean House-elves?' honestly, sometimes i wonder what goes on in her head

'They live in the kitchens' she said thinking 'but they follow me everywhere, i swear, and they always strip infront of me, doing funny dances and trying to take me off into secret passages. they scare me'

'That's horrible, we have to stop them!'

'but thats not the worst bit!' she said spookily, i shuddered and looked at her expectantly

she paused for a miute as we got more and more lost.

'i think they steal my pants' she stated,

'That is totally barbaric, i mean, Who does that?' i said outraged.

'Hobbits' she said, looking around her, 'they are still following us. come on we must loose them'

so we ran, and ran, and collapsed, well i did, in a big heap on the floor, that was when i realised that we were in the entrance hall. thats when tiffany turned to me

'I have an idea' oh god, oh no, we're both going to die

'Will it involve us dying' i asked her innocently

'Quite possibly, but its a risk we need to take'  Why am i friends with her again? i asked myself while i spun around in a circle, oh yes that's why

'So the plan?' i asked, who cares about living anyways?

'Let's go hobbit hunting'

so thats how our hobbit hunting afternoon began.


We had set all of our traps up, one involved a rope and being upside down, another was a lot of duct tape and another involved a suit of armour. we decided to jump around and wait until we caught a hobbit, so we were singing,

'You put your right leg in your right leg out, in, out, in, out and shake it all about' then doing a spastic shake that made us end up on our backs on the cold stone floor of the castle

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