Friday 18th December

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11.30 am

So the four of us, being Tiffany, Marie, Selene and of course me, have set up some mistletoe around the school, in unsuspecting hallways and door frames. It also floated around at it's own will and trapped unsuspecting girls and boys under neath it, who had to kiss to be released, or they would be stuck there forever, even Professor Flitwick couldn't get rid of it.

I was running down the corridor, i was ridiculously late for divination. So i decided to take a shortcut down one of the many unused corridors, not many people even know about three quarters of these, honestly if i wasn't so nosey, i'd be constantly lost, but i know just about every inch of the castle now,

But the 'take a shortcut down a deserted corridor' plan failed when my feet got stuck to the floor, i looked around, ready to shout at anyone, or anything that had just put a curse on me, i looked around but no one was about, and then i looked up.

'OH IN THE NAME OF DUMBLEDORE'S CHRISTMAS BOXERS, WHY?' i yelled into the silence and heard my voice echo down the corridor,

I had got stuck under the mistletoe, one bit had escaped the domain of down stairs and was wondering around empty corridors, my own plan turned on me, Brilliant.

'No-one ever come's down this corridor, i'll be here for years' i moaned to myself 'Until i die, and all Tiffany will care about is if she can keep my belongings, and i'll never get to marry Mr Muffin and have squiddy babies'

i looked up and saw puffy sniffing at the mistletoe,

'Careful, Puffy, you know what auntie Selene says, there are a lot of creatures that lurk in mistletoe' He flew back to my shoulder 

I wrapped my arms around my knees and placed my chin on top, and waited, in fact i waited for three classes and Lunch and a break.

 2.30 pm

I was loosing all hope, that is until i heard footsteps, i looked up hopefully, and that's when Snape walked around the corner, I felt happy to see him, For the first time, i was happy to see a Yeti.

'thank Merlin! i've been here for hours! Right, i need your help please go and get an attractive boy to kiss me so i'm free, i got stuck under the mistletoe'  i said in a rush

i had wide eyes and must have looked crazy, Snape smirked, I began to feel uncertain, Snape began to walk towards me, i frowned at him.

'Go get an attractive boy, please' i said

he continued to walk closer to me, i gulped and looked around, nervously

'Err, Snape what are you doing, i need help!' i said frowning darkly at him

'I know' he said calmly, my eyes widened and i tried to scoot away, but i couldn't. Well i was stuck to the floor. Snape was now standing over me, I was quite creeped out.

'Then go get someone' i said desperately. Snape was slowly coming down to my level on the floor

'no need to' he said, i grimaced

'Yes there is, go do it' i ordered, eyeing him scared, he shrugged, he was really close to me by then, i began to struggle, i even thought about biting my feet off to get free.

'No Snape, Bad sevvy, Stay!' I said pushing at his chest, trying to push him away from me, my eyes widened even more, he was only a quill length away from me.

'Stop, go away and get some-one else!' i said frantically

Snape smirked at me

'I can't now, i'm stuck under the mistletoe too' he said, Puffy was watching from my shoulder, before he flew into the air and circled above us

'NO!' i screamed at him, hitting him and giving him evils, Puffy gave me a surprised look.

'Oh just shut up Lyra' he said rolling his eyes, my mouth opened in shock, did he really just tell me to shut up? he did, the moron, how dare he. I growled at him, so uncalled for. How. Dare. He.

and then quite suddenly he kissed me, like on the lips, like a proper kiss on the lips, Snape kissed me! after the initial shock wore off i growled again and pushed him off me, he fell to the floor. I jumped up wiped my mouth over and over again as Snape pushed himself up from the floor. I gave him one last evil glare, as Puffy landed on my shoulder, Snape was just standing there looking at me, Perve...

I needed to see my hufflepuffs and wash my mouth out, so i ran to the basements leaving Snape standing there, before he went off to Divination. 

I carried on running until i got to the common room, i burst through the door and was met by Marie and Tiffany who were sat on the sofa with Pickle, Misty and Pump.

'What's wrong Lyra, you look awful' Marie said standing up and looking at me closely, Puffy Flew from my shoulder and over to the cats.

'S-S-S' i stuttered, not being able to form a proper sentence

''What?' Marie and Tiffany asked curiously

'Snape kissed me' i cried, beginning to sob 'Ewwww' i sniffed

'So, Lyra, What was it like?' Tiffany asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, i stared at her open mouthed, was she really being serious? why do i hang out with her, shouldn't i have learnt after four years of hanging around with her? this is Snape we are talking about. Snape! 

'What exactly happened?' Marie asked pulling me off to the sofa, shoving the cats off and placing me on it, i sunk into it pulling a cushion onto my lap and hugging it, still completely shocked by the days events.

'I got stuck under the mistletoe' i said sadly 'he came along, i told him to find me an attractive other boy, he got closer and closer, i told him to get someone else, but he got stuck under the mistletoe too, on purpose, then he kissed me' I shuddered

'But, did you enjoy it?' Tiffany persisted 

'What no, of course n-'

wait did i?

No, i can't think like that, it's absurd,

is it?


'of course i didn't' i said, Tiffany bit her lip and studied me, so i gave her my best evils. 

6.15 pm

we were sitting in the great hall, which was decorated with glimmering trees and sparkling lights, the ceiling appeared to be snowing, it was rather lovely. I was sitting at the hufflepuff table, i have been avoiding Snape's eye contact, but Marie says he's staring at me, i'm slightly worried. Lily must have told the truth.

Tiffany was talking about what she would do to Sirius if she was alone with him in a broom closet, waving her arms around in details, the rest of us were laughing at her, when Sirius, Remus, Peter and James walked along, they sat down opposite us, Tiffany abruptly stopped talking gave a flew a flirty look at Sirius and tossed her hair, diving into a flirty conversation with Sirius, Marie went bright red, and hid behind her hair that's tips were redder than usual, and Remus grabbed a book from his bag and ducked behind it, his ears tinged slightly pink, its so obvious, Merlin, oh and We found out that Marie is a metamorphagus, and that Remus is a werewolf, no big deal you know, 

The boys are going to become animagus's they wouldn't let us, but we are still doing it, i can't wait until i can transform, i hope i'm not a cat, or i'll have to throw puns at myself....

Sirius came closer to me and pulled something from behind his back, it was mistletoe, he threw it in front of me, i stared at it before jumping up and running out of the hall in tears, stupid Sirius, he's not funny. not at all, he is seriously lame, and always will be, i'm serious.

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