Friday 28th May

1K 11 1

8.30 am

Exams start today, can't wait! 

well Tiffany, Marie. Selene and i were walking down to the great hall, to have some breakfast, because we need that to survive. 

'So then he came up to me and tried to kiss me, so i grabbed him and pulled his ear into the prefects bathroom and stuck his head in the toilet' Tiffany said smiling

'He deserved it, like majorly' Marie said 

'You should be careful, grompingrants like to hide in toilets, he now may have aids' Selene said

We all stopped and looked at her

'Aids?' i asked

'Yes, they are very aidy' she nodded

'who's aidy?' Hector asked walking up behind us

'Dirk Cresswell' Tiffany said

'That boy in my year?' Hector asked

'That's the one' Marie nodded

'he's a perve' Lucas said giving Selene a sideways glance

'So are you' i said to him

'Yes, but i only observe, he likes to touch' He argued

'Ew' Marie, Johnny and i said

'So do you have exams today?' i asked Hector

'No ours start on Monday, what about you?' he replied

'Yes, we have exams, but i intend to mess around'  i said smiling wickedly, scaring a first year as i went past her

'of course, you have to' Tiffany said nodding

'I wan't popcorn' Johnny said thoughtfully

'that sound's like a pretty good idea, to the kitchens?' i asked, the group nodded and we walked off to the kitchen

8.15 am

we were all sat in the kitchen on one of the benches when the door opened and four people came in

'Ew, get out, now it smells' I called over

'your face smells' James replied

'you're hair is gay' james' eyes widened

'Your face is gay' Sirius said back

'you're gay' i said to him seriously

'No-no i'm not' He said

'Course not' Tiffany piped up

'Marie can i talk to you?' Loony loopy Lupin asked Marie the sexual

'O-ok' She said standing up, and the two of them walked out of the hole, everyone ran to the closed painting and put their ears against it

'I don't know if you could tell, but for the last-' but i was tugged away from the wall, i turned around ready to punch someone when peter was just standing there twitching. I frowned

'What do you want?' i asked as a chorus of 'Awhhs' were heard

'During the holidays, there is a muggle cheese fair, and because you wrote that cheese song, i thought you might like to go with me, it's only one pound muggle money, i-i've saved up' He said. I stared at him

'Peter i wrote that song four- you know what, never mind, fine i'll go with you' i gave in

'Really?' he asked excitedly

'Sure' i replied, walking back to the wall and pressing my ear to the wall

'of course a will' i heard Marie say, Tiffany fell to her knees next to me

'FINALLY' she called out her hands raised in praise

'So Lupin and Marie are going out?' i asked

'Yes, at long last, now to get you with snape' if i was holding anything i would have dropped it, but i wasn't so i dropped myself

'No way!' i replied

'You can't see it, but i can, and sometime soon, all the sexual tension you two are building up is going to explode or implode, not sure which and you will see how right i am' She said

'Excuse me while i go and jump off the astronomy tower' I said walking out of the door and straight into Remus and Marie snogging

'AH CRAP' I said turning around and running back into the kitchen, to about eight people laughing at my face.

9.00 am

our lessons are all different, we have care of magical creatures now, i'm not happy not happy at all

'It's going to rape you' James said as we were walking down to the clearing, i just turned to him

'No it's not, because i have a great way out of it, punch me in the stomach' I said he frowned but then grinned wickedly and punched me, i fell to the floor

'Ouch' i said panting 'didn't mean that hard'

'sorry' He said as Sirius was laughing, i stood up and walked to the Professor

'Can't -- do -- exam -- they've found -- me, got to -- leave -- country -- bye' I panted and turned but professor kettlepotshitbit grabbed my arm

'You're not going anywhere'

'What about the hospital wing, my cousin punched my stomach and i think i'm bleeding on the inside' i asked hopefully

'Go stand with the rest of the class'

'When i train unicorns to eat people, you're first on the list' i muttered turning around and walking to the class

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