Monday 16th October

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i've spent the last week completely traumatized, i cant believe all of that happened, it turns out i was having a mini breakdown due to stress, i've been in the hospital wing all week, thankfully tiffany wasn't there anymore, or i may have thrown myself out of the window, she came in occasionally but she was warned not to talk until i'm mentally stable.

They make me do school work, and homework here, i mean really, i'm mentally unstable because of stress and they are making me do school work, typical.

I'm happy though because people are worrying about me and also, i have had a week to come up with a big plan to use on snape when i'm let out which should be Friday evening. Can't wait. And at least this time i'm not in the hospital wing because i was knocked out, i wonder if i asked if i could have my own little room in here, i'm here more than i'm in my own bed.

'Madam pomfrey' i said smiling

'What now lyra?' she asked me

'Can i have my own little room in here? because i'm in here alot' i asked

'No because, the day you move in here is the day i have a mental breakdown myself' charming i'm sure....let's just  see how she feels when i set mr Muffin on her, ha.


James came in to see me, i'm still annoyed that he almost killed me, plus i want loads of sweets, he feels guilty and keeps asking for forgivness, by sending me sweets, i forgave him a day after, but free sweets, can't say no.

'Heya lyra'


'Still mad?'


'I am really sorry'

'Hmmph, got sweets today?'


'Then go away, get some and come back'

He laughed, how dare he laugh, i was totally serious!

'I'm serious!' i said grumpily

'I'll take that as a compliment, lots of people have claimed to be me, yet i still am the only sirius around here' sirius said walking through the door, i rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him,

'Do you have sweets?' i asked him. he shook his head


'i do' came another voice, i perked up at the mention of sweets

Remus walked after sirius carrying some sugar quills

'You're now my best friend' i said as he handed me one, he handed the other two one too, we sat and sucked our quills until Tiffany and Marie came in, followed my Pickle who jumped up onto my bed, i patted his head and he jumped on my back lying down so i was hunched over slightly, well it is the most comfortable possition to be sat in, not.

Marie kept staring at Remus, and the others were all laughing at random comments, i huffed, Pickle kept sniffing puffy and then occasionally try to hit him, but puffy would duck so pickle would get me instead, and it hurt, alot.

'Did i say you could all come here for a party?' i asked annoyed as Pickle once again hit me on the head, maybe he was doing it on purpous, just to annoy me, hummph i'll show him. i'll throw him in the lake, cats hate water yes? hmm, although pickle has been useful. maybe i'll have to not throw him in for a while.... yes i'll wait.

'No?' james said but then a smile grew on his face 'Biut it's a great idea'

'No it most certainly is not! I happen to be mentally unstable at the moment, so could you just leave now' i said crossing my arms 'AND WILL YOU STOP THAT PICKLE!'

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