Monday 19th April

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8.00 am

I have had ENOUGH of Snape and his pipolarbear ways, one minute hes like 'Oh Lyra i want to be your friend and have your babies' the next hes like 'I hate you lyra, i want to kill your babies'

You leave my babies alone. yeti's, always ruining everything.

So i have decided, i am going to make him suffer for last term, i am going to pull the ultimate prank on him, and he will never forget it. EVER and if he does, i'll eat his brains...

only joking, i'll train a unicorn to do it, i still like that hobby, and their handling of alpaca's sure had improved, and they can heard hufflepuffs now too. i attach sporks to it's nostrils you see.

as you may have guessed, i'm now back at Hogwarts as of last Sunday.


i got some odd looks when i yelled that in the great hall though, i wouldn't advise it

i quickly ran out and off to Potions.

 8.30 am

i walked into the potions room and stopped dead. Professor Sprout was laying across Professor slughorns desk, Her mouth getting attacked by him.... sexually.

I squeaked and walked out quickly, knowing i would not sleep for a while.

 8.45 am

They are following me, i ran fo it and they followed and now we are playing bloody chase

i bumped into Tiffany and Marie. they both looked at me as if to say, 'Le Fu?'

'Long story short, I really don't want to see professor Sprout or Slughorn right now' I said, 

'Why? what happened?' Marie asked pushing me into an empty classroom as the two professor's ran around the corner

'what have you done now' Tiffany groaned

'For once, nothing' i said defensively, Tiffany raised her eyebrow

'i find that highly unlikely' 

'So doe's Brian' Marie agreed

'Brian?' i asked her confused

'My imaginary Hippogriff, the one standing behind you' I looked behind me and back at Marie

'Oh that Brian, but i didn't do anything wrong, they did!' i said

'what did they do?' Tiffany asked excitedly

'I walked in and they were-'

'miss Thompson'

'Lyra, there you are' Professor Sprout and Professor Slughorn said quickly coming into the room panting, i squeaked and pushed Tiffany and Marie up against a wall

'Stay away from me' I warned brandishing a sugar quill from my pocket and holding it in defense

'Now listen' Professor Slughorn said slowly giving Professor Sprout a side-ways glance

'I don't want to listen, what you to were doing was wrong on so many levels' I replied

'how about we give you something, so that mouth of yours isn't put to use' Professor Slughorn said smiling

'You're mouths were certainly put to use' I retorted 'But, i'm listening'

I crossed my arms and waited. woah blackmail was fun!

'How about a week off of potions homework' He stated, i pretended to think

'I don't think that will hold my tongue' i replied glancing at Tiffany and Marie who looked shocked at their bribery

'How about a months?' Professor sprout popped up

'Yes, yes a month' Agreed Professor Slughorn

'A month off homework, and ten sugar quills' i looked at Tiffany and Marie again 'Each'

'Sugar quills?'

you see, my mouth will be too busy, rather like yours were, to tell anyone what you were doing, as for these two they saw you bribe me, so' I said slowly 

'Yes yes, well i suppose that is fine, you can have your sugar quills'

'remember' i said brandishing the sugar quill at him 'Ten'

'Each' Tiffany replied

'yes, yes' The professors replied scuttling out of the room

'Why is it ALWAYS you?' Marie asked me

'I don't know, but thanks to me, we don't have homework for a month and we have sugar quills'

'brilliant, recon we can blackmail more teachers for free stuff?'

'it is rather exillirating' I agreed

9.20 am

I'm sitting in potions, i can't look at that man the same, its wrong, wrong, wrong. yum Sugar quill. Wrong, wrong, wrong

9.25 am

i drew a pretty picture

it's one of me training muffin to bite Snape in half, but muffin refuses, because snape is so gross, so we get married, me and muffin that is. and then we live happily ever after. 

no one cares about the mixed species, i mean, Marie married a duck, Twice and was engaged once

Tiffany is still trying to marry Pump, but Pickle hasn't agreed to it yet.

3.45 pm

i'm bored again so i drew some pictures of people i know..... (in the multimedia link)  because i'm cool and i can....

9.50 pm

Tiffany and Marie are staying with me in the Ravenclaw room, we are having a picnic. With sugar....

9.55 pm

Hector just walked in with Lucas and Johnny and some spinny thing on a string, but before i could ask what it was Marie jumped up and screamed

'how do you even get up here, there is spells on the stairs!' 

'We climb the stones' Hector shrugged

'What is that' i asked as its spinning hypnotised me

'Johnny said it's called a yo-yo' he replied

'woah, its amazing' i agreed

i added it to the drawing, because it's awesome, 

10.30 pm

Hector left along with his yo-yo, and Tiffany and Marie are asleep leaving me alone to come up with the ultimate prank against snape.

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