Friday 20th October

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7.00 am

i wonder if there is a difference between mexican mushrooms and english ones, i'll have to find out one day.... plus i have been making a potion that had them in for the last two days, but that is off subject for now, i just woke up in the hospital wing, i still think i should have my own room here.

'Madam pomfrey!' i called, there was no answer, i huffed and called louder


'for the last time no! you cannot have a room here!' she said looking around the door of her room, she was scowling i put on a sad face.

'Actually i was about to ask if i could leave, but now' i sniffed for more drama 'i think i may have to stay even longer now, my feelings were hurt by your tone of voice, i may not be mentally stable again'

'You've never been mentally stable' she mumbled going back into her office

'I HEARD THAT' moron. the flipperpuffs are not happy with her, they won't have her babies now.


There are 5 things wrong with my life right now

1. I still don't know what a flipperpuff looks like

2. i have to wait twenty more minutes until i can leave

3. i am not allowed my own room in the hospital wing

4. madam pomfrey is getting moody at me

5. i just spilt some pumpkin juice in my bed, so now it's all wet and sticky, and looks like i wet the bed, which i didn't. i dont think.


there are two, yes only two good things in my life right now

1. i have the best plan to use on snape today

2. i annoyed madam pomfrey so much i am allowed to leave early. i'm now calling her poopie more often


i just walked into the great hall and everyone looked up at me, i walked over to the hufflepuff table, i think i can manage to talk to tiffany again. puffy just stole some bacon off of someones plate, the good little boy! I'm now going to make a bet with myself, i will get a piece of cake later if i win a wrestle with a duck...... i love being crazy, its epical.

'Hello huffles' i said when i sat down

'LYRA' they squeaked happily, yes i am so important that they have to be excited at my presence.

i looked up at tiffany, she had just balanced her spoon on her nose, i shuddered at the sight of the spoon, i want to find the person who invented the spoon and shove it up their-

'Lyra' marie interupted my lovely thoughts

'Yes?' i asked her

'Snape is pointing his wand at you'


and then i was hanging upside down by my ankle, it was actually quite cool, i could see everyone watching me and the blood rushing to my face felt quite nice, so i decided to sing a song









snape looked confused, i think he thought i would be to embarrassed of affected at being upside down, but at home i slept upside down, maybe i'm a bat. yes i must be.

'i have a secret to tell you all, i, Lyra Thompson am secretly a bat, thank you and good morning, it's good to be back'

and then i dropped onto the table and rolled onto the floor, and i think a fork stabbed me, it hurts.

'Lyra, your arm is bleeding'

'thanks for pointing out the obvious, Tiffany, i was just stabbed with a fork!'

'Not a spork?'

'no, sporks like me, this was deffinatly a fork'

'cool' not really i thought rubbing my blood on her again.

'Distract snape for a bit'

'How?' she asked

'Make him feel bad about making a fork stab me, hang on i'll just cry quickly, do you have an onion?'

'no but i have a banana'

'but banana's make me laugh' i said giggleing at the banana tiffany was holding, hang on i'll concentrate on something. so i did and then my eyes burnt and i began to cry so i stood up from the floor and sat on the table and marie put her arm around me and whispered


'Of course' i said between sobs. my arm was actually hurting now, and i didn't know if the tears were real, tiffany was now standing over snape, he looked up at her, and i could hear what they were saying

'You really hurt her'

'i held her upside down and she sung a song, she didin't look hurt'

'When you dropped her from 10 feet high she got stabbed by a fork, look she's crying, when do you ever she her cry?' she pointed at me i looked at marie who made soothing noises.

'Oh god, i didn't mean to hurt her'

'Well you did'

'i'll go apologise'

'i don't think she wants to see you'

'but-' i acciod his goblet but a vile of the potion i had been making with the mexican mushrooms and put it back with out anyone noticing

'she will decide when she wants to talk to you again'

tiffany walked out of the hall and walched as sevvy grank his pumpking juice

'Give it 10 minutes' so we sat on the staircase and watched the door, and soon enough some one came running out of the hall.

'OH Severa! so lovely to see you, looking rather girly today, have you done something different with your hair?' i asked

'Turn me back!'

'I don't understand'

'I don't want to be a girl, turn me back into me!'

'but severa, you are you. i don't quite understand'

'my name is not severa, i know you turned me into a girl, turn me back into severus'

'sorry that lasts for twelve hours'

he or should i say she groaned. i laughed and went off to herbology.

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