Sunday 12th July

989 14 4

Oh my gosh! over 10,000 reads now, thank you guys so much for all your support. sorry i haven't uploaded in a while but i couldn't quite get this chapter right, and then i've been busy with my new horse and college work, but here we go, trust me, it's worth the wait... The next chapter of BOTHERING SNAPE! YAY! enjoy :)

5.30 am

i was woken up being shaken by Hector rather roughly, i kicked out at him and heard a satisfied 'oof' as he hit the floor

'Stop it you tart' i groaned rolling over and getting a glimpse of the clock it was five thirty, Hector was waking me at five thirty... something must be wrong.

'Clive is back, i heard his car and then the door' Hector said standing up, Xavier hadn't been back for about a month, Mum, hector and me had been having a great time. but i knew he'd be back soon.

'What?' i practically yelled jumping out of bed, getting a head rush in the process i ran to the door and opened it slightly, Hector walked over with me and stood next to me, i could hear the stairs creaking

'Close the door' Hector whispered to me, but i ignored him and watched as Clive walked into the room my mum was innocently sleeping in.

'Are the brats here?' I heard him growl

'Y-yes they're here' i heard my mum say sleepily, i heard the creak of floor boards


'don't disturb them, they're sleeping what ever you want them for it can wait until morning' She said quickly

'What?' Clive said angrily

'J-just let them sleep' I heard mum say, and then i heard it, the thing that sent me over the edge, that made my blood boil. A loud slap that seemed to echo around the house.

'That tw-'I tried to open the door to get out into mum's room but hector held me back

'How dare you talk back to me you filthy Blood-traitor' I heard my mum gasp, i exchanged a look with Hector, So it was true

'Come on' I whispered grabbing his hand and a cauldron out of my trunk. Hector picked up our wands.

'We can't use magic outside of school' i scolded him

'we can if it's an emergency' Hector hissed back as we crept out of our room and into the landing.

 'We walked towards the door i was about to open it when it flew open and i fell inside, i looked shocked up from the floor to see Clive standing above me

'They appear to be awake already' He said grabbing my hair and pulling me up, i winced as he threw me into the wall and Felt Hector stand in front of me

'Leave her alone' He growled

'I heard you've been talking to my son' Clive said to me raising his eyebrow

Bothering SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now