Saturday 24th April

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8.30 am

we have a match today, Lucas Hector and I walked down to the great hall, we were all dressed, and everyone clapped us as we passed, i am playing my prank on Snape today, he will know not to mess with me again.

8.45 am

we sat down on the ravenclaw table, and Tiffany and Marie walked over

'good luck for today' Marie said sitting down and helping herself to some toast, i don't feel like eating, so i haven't had anything, Lucas and Hector haven't eaten much either.

'It's only slytherin' Tiffany said as if that helped my nerves. i glared at her, stupid turnip.

10.15 am

The match is at eleven, and i need to get on with my plan. I walked over to Snape who was sitting outside by a tree and i poked him, he jumped and looked up

'oh, it's you' he said. Attitude, what a prat.

'hey, i just wanted to talk' i said looking sad, he can't say no

'about what exactly?' he asked

'well' i hadn't thought about this bit

'well?' he said narrowing his eyes

'can you just come over here, i don't want anyone to hear' i said improvising, Snape looked around, saw people around and sighed, he placed his book in his bag and we began to walk towards the quidditch pitch, slowly

'so what would you like to talk about?' he asked in a bored voice, how dare he.

'see, in the holidays-'

'this again?' he growled

'hear me out' i replied angrily

'fine, what?' he said grumpily

'i was never trying to pry, i only wanted some advice' i said as we'd made our way onto the quidditch pitch

'about what?' he said looking confused

'life at home, how you cope with it, i can't cope anymore'

'well i'm sure it's just fine, it will probably get better for you, i've lived with this my whole life, what have your parents done?' he said

'he isn't my parent, he's my step dad, and a lousy one at that' i said

'Maybe he's trying' Snape replied looking at me, i laughed

'yeah, he's not trying at all' i said rubbing my chin where he had bruised it that holiday, snape just looked away

'that bruise you had' he said slowly

'yes' i answered simply

10.35 am

i had Snape where i wanted him, but why was i hesitating to embarrass him?

i plucked up the courage and got my wand out

'Snape' i said, he looked up from the ground and up at me

'yeah?' he asked and then saw my wand, his eyes widened in realisation

'wingardium Leviosa' i said swishing and flicking my wand, he rose into the air

'incarsarous' i said, as ropes bound him to the goal post

'let me down' he yelled

'transfigurini' i said as his clothes transformed into a rather girly pink and white spotted bikini with white bows

'Lyra, let me down' he called  down to me

'no, you deserve this, you made my life hell for about two months' i yelled up 

I still felt bad about doing it

Man up, Lyra

if you go through with it, you can have ice cream i was saying to myself, i turned to walk away from the scene of the crime

'Lyra, please put me down, look i'm sorry ok!' he shouted, i looked down at the ground, it did seem rather harsh. 

Then i could hear the sound of voices, i looked up at Snape and made a choice, who needs ice cream, they have sticky toffee pudding. i got him down and transfigured his clothes back, i let out a sigh and turned around, away from Sevvy

'you would have deserved that' i said walking off, but just before i reached the door, i was stopped by a hand on my wrist, 

'i know, Lyra' he said turning me to face him

'i'm just too nice' i said he just continued to look at me

'did you know, you have the same colour eyes as Lily' he said more to himself, i raised an eyebrow

'ok' i said looking back at him, he seemed to snap out of it, weird boy.

'i'll just, i'll just go' he said awkwardly

yeah i would' i replied

'bye then' he said turning and walking away to the stands.

I'm a fool. 

4.30 pm

we won our match, yippee although, i am in the hospital wing, i fell off my broom when i went to land, and i broke my leg

4.31 pm

Lyra's Layer needs to be painted

4.32 pm

it's now bright orange, i like it.

Madam Pomfrey came out of her office, screamed dropped some thing glass and ran back into her office

i don't think she likes it.

4.45 pm

she came out again and looked at the walls

'what on earth were you thinking, child' she said to me 'i shouldn't say that, you obviously have no brain in there'

'hey, i'm a Ravenclaw, you have to have a brain to get in there' i said defensively

'then the hat must have been smoking something before it sorted you' she said 'now turn this back to its original colour

'i think its better like this' i replied

'Turn it back now, or i may forget to mend that broken leg of yours' she said

'yeah, as if, you'd get fired' i replied

'just do it, Lyra' she growled

so i turned it hot pink

'Back to its original colour' she said grumpily

so then i did, i don't want her to have a fit and die, i have no more room to hide dead bodies.

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